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All Content by Trifecta4me


    All is well. It was a simple oversight. Got my email from NAU yesterday. Looking forward to orientation in a few weeks. It's getting real!

    I had not received anything from NAU either, so I called advising today. I was told the email invitation to the orientation sessions had already gone out and apparently my name was not on the CEP list. Hopefully it was a simple mistake. Still tryi...
  3. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Yep, I will be there on Nov 12, with my fingers crossed...
  4. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Future Applicants: Applied to SHC campus Cum GPA 3.4 Cum HESI 90% Prev bachelor degree in Health Related Field 2 courses in progress: Patho and Soc101 Placed as ALTERNATE
  5. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Just got my email this morning. I was placed as an alternate. Apparently, alternate ranking will be given at health/immunization orientation. Soooo, I guess I still need to go through all the motions to be ready in case they call. Does alternate ...
  6. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Still waiting too...
  7. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Mari_315 and Ruby-Ruby: I applied to SHC and I am still waiting too
  8. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Trying not to be negative, but if this is how admissions are handled at this school, I'm beginning to wonder about the nursing program as well. My admission advisor was disorganized and slow with communications from the start. And now, with such a d...
  9. GCU Spring 2015 Hopefuls

    Hey there. I have been watching from the sidelines for awhile and am feeling everything that you all are as well. I applied to Scottsdale. Mari - I did not receive an email either, re results being sent by the end of the week. I'm just trying to ...