Tenebrae BSN, RN

Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative

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All Content by Tenebrae

  1. Tenebrae

    Has anyone ever renegotiated pay?

    I'm part of a MECA so our increases are apart of that . A few years ago I went to my employer and pretty much said "I would like a pay rise, I have people wanting to pay me X amount of money, can you meet this" Worst case scenario they say ...
  2. Tenebrae

    Had a seizure during clinicals and kicked out of school

    IMO getting back into nursing school will be difficult until you can show the thing thaty caused the orginal seizure is under control. Imagine you are in the process of inserting a catheter or other invasive procedure and you get dropped by ano...
  3. Tenebrae

    Is nursing burn out really that bad?

    As to information re nursing school, it may surprise you that there are members from other countries that arent America. I am from NZ and I answer based on my knowledge.
  4. Tenebrae

    LPN's in LTC

    Because its driven buy the almightly dollar and those in high places will do anything to avoid proper staffing ratios? I would have been screwed without the LPNS when I worked in aged care
  5. Tenebrae

    Is nursing burn out really that bad?

    I love my job, dream population, older persons mental health That said I'm currently day 2 of 8 days leave. I've spent most of the last two days sleeping and almost feel back to baseline. I almost feel just tired as opposed to bone tired wearine...
  6. Tenebrae

    What was she thinking?!

    There were a few sentences I had to rewrite😂😎
  7. Tenebrae

    What was she thinking?!

    Spoken like someone who has never worked in SNF or long term care. I had 75 patients on an afternoon shift and I have 8 hours to do my job. The faclity hired me to be a nurse, not answer phones. When I got distressed family members who c...
  8. Tenebrae

    Do you regret becoming a nurse?

    It drives me up the wall at times. Currently have a toxic work mate which is threatning my sanity. That said I don't regret it at all
  9. Tenebrae

    What was she thinking?!

    I used to work on a SNF/aged care facility. We got a shiny iphone to take incoming phone calls. It has this wonderful habbit of ringing when I had my hands in a gooby wound, or in the middle of the med round. Or Mrs Smith in room 4 had fallen a...
  10. Tenebrae

    Rude Clinical Student

    I got the stink eye from a student nurse because I wasnt going to toilet a highly anxious patient 100 times an hours. I explained my logic that to do so would reinforce her anxiety and panic. and I did not have the time or ability to toilet this pati...
  11. Tenebrae

    Have you ever wanted to see a coworker fail?

    We have as special charge for that its called "theft as a servant" (covers theft in the work place). While some employers might give someone a second chance for a theft charge, they won't if its theft as. servant
  12. Tenebrae

    Rude Clinical Student

    Does she have specific criteria that she is supposed to be meeting? If she is not meeting those then give it to her straight, ensure you have a witness though. I had one of my recent student nurses who didn't seem to be meeting the criteri...
  13. Tenebrae

    Have you ever wanted to see a coworker fail?

    And the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies of the people who really hack me off.
  14. Americas not alone on that. We have a national health system called Te Whatu Ora which was meant to replace the current District system. All that its done is landed on top of what was already there and now we have twice the uncessary bloat
  15. Tenebrae

    Have you ever wanted to see a coworker fail?

    Honestly speaking I want Nurse Rachet (not her real name} to be held accountable for her actions and be far away from me. In her first three months she got fired by 6 patients and managed to piss off the entire nursing staff. I choose to ...
  16. Tenebrae

    Have you ever wanted to see a coworker fail?

    Not so much fail because thats means they have screwed up royally and put paitents at risk/harmed patients I want them to go a long way away from me.
  17. For me it was when I got a job in a mental health unit where I was a patient over 20 years ago I put it around that yes, there was truth to the rumours and if anyone had any questions I was happy to answer. No one took me up on the offer a...
  18. In the USA perhaps. You all need better emploiyment laws. The OP said they are being asked to start early and finish late eg starting before 7am and finishing after 7p,. They should be paid for that time. If they are starting at 655 istead ...
  19. Depending on how salty I'm feeling I may ask if the manager works for free I don't work for free. If something like a fall happens on shift change, I'll stay to get the incident form and falls pathway started. But thats the exception not the ru...
  20. Tenebrae

    Safe Patient Limits bill

    I'm not sure how they would expect that to work and not have patients and their families sue the heck out of them IMO it sounds like fear tactics they are trying to get you all to go "oh heck no, we don't need safe staffing'
  21. https://allnurses.com/increase-ehlers-danlos-especially-hypermobility-type-t690666/ This thread lead me down the MBI rabbit hole somewhat many years ago. These young girls are getting PICC lines, Ports for saline, wheelchairs and dreadful...
  22. Tenebrae

    Please Share Your PTO Accrual Rate

    So what happens if you don't use your acrued hours in the required period?
  23. Tenebrae

    What should be done to mean nurses?

    midazolam aerolised through the air vents should have a similar effect😂 I read something that indicated they lost their positions.
  24. I think its easier to write this behaviour off as a mental illness rather than consider someone is a depraved lunatic who likes hurting small humans. Re the whistle blowers, its sad that someone thought "we will push this all under the carpet b...
  25. Tenebrae

    Physical Assault by Patient

    ❤️ Be kind to yourself as well. It's an understandable reaction