I tell them that the Airway, Breathing, Circulation hierarchy we are taught to focus on seems completely irrelevant to a patient who lacks the capacity to enjoy it. The traditional disciplines help...
They're "flicking" you. I think flicking might be appropriate or even necessary if someone needed their egos deflated just a bit to keep the team functioning well and keep things safe. But some...
Hi. I'm an ADN -RN, and I'm only three months into my first job, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I wasn't going to post, but I don't want you to feel like your concern is being ignored....
I feel your pain. Could there be such a thing as a "good enough" nurse? Winnicott from developmental psych class theorized the "good enough" mother. Good nurse, bad nurse is all-or-nothing...
Just record it. The data does not flow anywhere, as far as I was able to determine. But the DON had about six inches of printouts so it goes somewhere. Maybe to the MDS? I think our entire eMAR...
I am a charge nurse in LTC, doing the medication pass, treatments, physician's orders, etc. We have an eMAR. So I'm in the middle of my med pass, and I discover that one of our nurse managers has...
In Missouri, our school gave us a letter stating we were GNs so HR departments would let us work while awaiting the licensure exam. I take mine September 1st!
You're correct - DNR means we will not intervene if this patient arrests / codes. That is one type of advance directive. There are others, that include non-treatment. Not putting a tube in this man...
Maybe it is one of those culture change initiatives, where offering the client anything but the cleanest, purest substances indicates a lack of client-centered
Flu vaccine time, for the seasonal flu. My nursing home offered it to staff first, then the residents, and in a couple of weeks, we'll be offering it to the general public. I've been thinking...
Here's a different point of view, blaming the hospital: http://www.sgvtribune.com/ci_10563882?source=rss_emailed About 50 out of 3,200 workers were caught. This post contains a comment by someone...
I managed to find three free flashcards claiming to help prepare for the HESI http://www.flashcardsecrets.com/hesi/samples.htm I couldn't find any public domain questions. There might be something...
There don't appear to be any acute problems. She's been evaluated for lots of things, as she has been to the ER three times since Mother's Day. Good to know there are LTC behavior units out there....
I have new nursing home resident with a looooooong history of unstable interpersonal relationships. She has the usual physical problems you'd expect in LTC - mobility, ADL's, multiple meds, some...