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About wannabeL&D73

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  1. Cesarean Art exhibition

    OMGosh, I also immediately thought of Frida Kahlo! I too found it
  2. info on low progesterone and miscarrage

    http://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/obgyn/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=184601 Thought this might be of interest to
  3. Questions about cervical competancy...

    Here is a forum that may be helpful! http://bbs.babycenter.com/board/pregnancy/pregcomplications/1252536 The good news is that you made it to term with your prior pgs., but it would still make sense...
  4. Uterine rupture & maternal code

    What a tragic, tragic story. How absolutely heartbreaking, I can't imagine living with the knowledge that I didn't get help for my baby. Anyway, sorry to take this thread on a tangent, I am the one...
  5. ques. for L&D nurses.(Long)

    It was painful, but also the most amazing wonderful experience and I have never felt closer to my husband. It was not horrible for me at
  6. Uterine rupture & maternal code

    I realize there are lots of people reading this forum looking for advice, but I personally am not a casual uninformed reader...I am a nursing student and a mother of 2 and I have discussed this issue...
  7. Uterine rupture & maternal code

    Yes, I totally
  8. Uterine rupture & maternal code

    Thank you for your concern. I did make the intial decision based on statistical risk given my own particular history. The anecdotes merely served to reinforce my prior informed
  9. Uterine rupture & maternal code

    Although I strongly believe that women should have the right to make an informed choice for VBAC, this thread has firmly reinforced my decision to do a scheduled repeat c/s in a future pg. Very scary...
  10. When pt is refusing a C/S

    OK, well I know this is OT...but I just can't let this go...please remove it if you need to...but, it is *not* illegal to have an abortion after 20 weeks. Every day all over the country babies with...
  11. OMG, I saw the same episode. Why on earth is she having a baby? I understand sometimes the best thing for a woman is to go back to work--but when the baby is TWO!!!!!! weeks old? I just feel very,...
  12. Trisomy 18 question...

    My understanding if it was "typical" T 18, that the risk of recurrence is 1 in 100 for all trisomies. But yes, I am sure the OB would suggest a genetic consult prior to a future pg.
  13. ? About not breastfeeding

    That is awesome that you have been able to provide breastmilk to your child for so long! Exclusively pumping is a huge committment--I did it for 4 months before my 33-weeker with Down syndrome got...
  14. Interesting article

    How terribly
  15. I.E: The smell and the texture? Thank