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About kfitzy89

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  1. MSN-PMHNP Program Recommendations?

    Is it reputable in Kentucky as a good university? Does the product seem adequate in preparing you? Thanks for all the advice and comments
  2. PMHNP Program

    Thanks for the reply! Wow, you have a lot on your plate! Im guessing you go part time or do you go full time, too? How far along are you? Sorry I am looking at a couple schools and that was one of...
  3. Sticky situation .. What would you do?

    Go to the dean/director of nursing at your school and have a chat with them. I'm going to be unprofessional, but appropriate when I say that your instructor is an evil witch (not the word I would have...
  4. Colace & MI

    They can be a few reasons, but more as a general response is probably because the post MI patient is on a plethora of hypotensives, and straining their stool would cause a vagal response, thus...
  5. Graduated 2years ago but never worked as a RN.

    Still apply to new grad positions, and a lot of them. It took me 6 months to find a job and I landed it in a new grad float pool. If you have no experience on your license you are treated as a new...
  6. What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?

    ISFJ-Float pool
  7. Rush U. CON DNP Fall 2014

    Nice! I am very jealous! University of Washington is supposed to be a great school! Was Rush the real deal? As in a real university and seemed it would prepare you to effectively pass the
  8. PMHNP Program

    Nice! Care to share at which school and if you like it or if it seems like it will prepare you
  9. PMHNP Exam

    Can any of you list or highly recommend the college where you completed your program?
  10. University of Michigan Flint

    What school did you end up selecting for psych and would you recommend it?
  11. Rush U. CON DNP Fall 2014

    Hi, I am interested in Rush for psych and was wondering if you that are in psych wouldn't mind sharing some insight in the
  12. USA, from what I read, requires at least 2 years of experience in your applicable program to start clinicals, so keep that in mind. I don't have 2 years psych, so I can't go there
  13. MSN-PMHNP Program Recommendations?

    I would like to know more, too. Have you began a program
  14. PMHNP Program

    Hello all! I was wondering if anyone had any experience with distance learning variants of PMHNP programs, as my state only offers one, but I wish to apply to others just in case. Any and all help is...
  15. Family Mental Health NP MSN

    Sorry, I meant to comment here. How is your program going thus