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All Content by ToFNPandBeyond

  1. FNP Made to Work Alone?

    I would leave. Sounds like a recipe for burnout...
  2. New NP pay

    How many hours a week are you working for $67/hr as a staff RN? If more than 40 hrs a week, you won't be taking a pay cut, that is, if you negotiate. As a new grad last year, I made $125K in CA, 2 hrs west of the bay area, with a $5K bonus working 4...
  3. EKU PMHNP FALL 2017

    OP, or others, can you provide a status update on how the pmhnp program was for you?
  4. Accidental Mistake- UGH

    Happened to me as well. I ended up having to go in person to get it straightened out. Edit: oops, I've already replied to this post.?
  5. California BRN processing times for new grad NP

    There was an old post regarding this topic that I'd like to revive/revise. For those new grads who plan to practice in California and are awaititing the oh so very slow processing for California BRN to process their license, let's share our applicati...
  6. NP still working as a bedside nurse on the side...

    I don't know what an "SJW" is, but as another person of color, I would then expect more from you... Rather than get defensive, maybe take a step back and do some introspection. Your comment was insensitive. They deserve to have providers who legitim...
  7. NP still working as a bedside nurse on the side...

    I had to *side eye* this comment. I'm sure those "inner city" folks wouldn't appreciate it if their concerns were looked at as something of excitement for those bored providers looking for a little Thrill from work ??
  8. Psychiatry question - Must I provide Therapy too?

    Do you have behavioral therapists where you're at? Me personally, other than light motivational interviewing, I'm not all that into providing therapy. I don't believe our education really focuses heavy on it (don't quote me as psych isn't my specialt...
  9. Cert or not to Cert

    In California, you'll get compensated very well. Not sure what the avg salary for psych NP is in your area specifically, but in the bay area, I've seen several job post for $180k+. In the capital, I've seen on average $150-$180K, not including bonuse...
  10. Does it matter where I get my MSN-FNP?

    I beg to differ. I went to the 4th ranked school in the nation for nursing (Second in medical), and it didn't mean squat to most employers who valued experience over brand. Experience will more likely than not trump name of school. Again, I think OP...
  11. Does it matter where I get my MSN-FNP?

    No, they don't care. All you need to care about is if the school is accredited and their passing rate regarding licensing exam.
  12. Unhappy and stressed as NP- seeking advice.

    Rural would be worse. You're often the only provider in a several mile radius, and geriatric care usually involves various co-morbidities. Wouldn't recommend for OP.
  13. I agree, and I would take it a step further to say that in this day and age, you can't rely on just having one job. Let's face it, there is no loyalty on both sides of the equation. Employers are after their bottom line, and us employees want to make...
  14. Are we intervening too much?

    I was informed by my medical assistant that a doctor she works for still does pap screens on his patients ONCE A YEAR, regardless of results! 'Nuff said?
  15. Unhappy and stressed as NP- seeking advice.

    Agree with Oldmanhubbard, I work in psych private practice and most of my patients are high functioning. Most common diagnoses are MDD and anxiety, followed by bipolar and ADHD. Like in many specialties, you start to see patterns in sxs, which helps ...
  16. $200,000 salary as a RN, it's true

    I think it comes off as bitter when professionals try to take jabs at one's earnings by stating things like "I'd never want to live in Ca" or other disparaging remarks to mask their own insecurity, unease, or discomfort of their own salary/earning po...
  17. $200,000 salary as a RN, it's true

    Not true. Many parts of Sacramento are very affordable. I can attest.
  18. Oh wow, Fullglass! I've been following your NP journey since you passed your boards. I'm sorry to hear of your unfortunate experiences. But as you said, there was a silver lining in all of this from the invaluable skills you've gained. I had a simila...
  19. New PMHNP

    What about prescribing, insurance, etc are you nervous about?
  20. Clinical Question - IUD in 71 year old woman

    That is unbelievable!
  21. Illinois Now FPA State!!!!!!

    Agree with this way of thinking. California needs to take notes!

    Moderators, this should be in the student NP forums. Are you all still moderating posts?!
  23. Job Search At Age 61 After 2 1/2 Year Hiatus??

    Have you tried contacting recruiters in your area? I would also be on the lookout for healthcare job fairs. Create a professional portfolio that contains not just your CV, but letters of recommendations highlighting your skills and experience, any ce...
  24. PMHNP Salary in So Cal

    I realized you said central coast and not San Diego, but you get the gist. It's still a poor offer. Especially since employers will try to lure you with a higher paying position in areas in desperate need of a psych provider, such as areas in the cen...
  25. PMHNP Salary in So Cal

    Very poor for California, especially a known metropolitan area like San Diego. The avg I've seen in areas like the bay area and the capital (the capital having a lower COL than San Diego) is $168K. Although I know many who make near the $200K. I now ...