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About chickpea7

chickpea7 has 1 years experience.

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  1. Humber-UNB Second Entry Nursing 2020

    Yep, this is the Winter term after prep: NURS 1121 Introduction to Nursing and Wellness NURS 1131 ASP Helping Relationships NURS 1135 Enhancing Well-Being In Situations of Chronicity NURS 1136...
  2. Humber second entry question

    No problem! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask
  3. Humber second entry question

    It has been very demanding, but manageable. I'd say half is an exaggeration, but I think we started with around 90 students and were down to 60-something at the start of this semester. Some failed...
  4. Humber second entry question

    The second entry has their own curriculum for the first year. It is not until the following fall semester that you join up with the regular program for two semesters (fall and Winter), before...
  5. Humber-UNB Second Entry Nursing 2020

    Hello, I'm entering my final semester in the program, before consolidation semester. After the prep semester, you are still in the same cohort with fellow second entry students (separate classes from...
  6. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    Has anyone heard from York second
  7. Humber College Second Entry (2018)

    Does anyone know anybody in the program? I'd love to hear comments about the program. I'm particularly interested in how many class hours there are per week, how many days a week placement is in the...
  8. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2018

    I received a conditional offer too. The condition was that I finish the high school chemistry prerequisite with at least a 70%. I got my offer on Feb.
  9. Nursing school acceptance 2018

    Congratulations! I just got accepted into Humber's 2nd entry program yesterday! Super excited
  10. Humber College Second Entry (2018)

    I just got my acceptance into this program yesterday! Anyone
  11. Ontario Second-Entry Nursing (2015)

    For U of T, they only use the courses from your degree program to determine your GPA. York looks at your cGPA, your last 30 credits GPA, and your GPA in the prerequisite
  12. Advice, please

    Unfortunately I don't think your GPA is competitive enough for U of T's program. Maybe you could look into taking a bunch of classes to increase your GPA. I don't think this would work for U of T...
  13. Day in the Life of a Freelance Nurse Writer

    Thank you for sharing. Is it difficult to find enough work as a nurse writer? How does the pay usually work? Is there typically a per word rate, or does it vary a lot by the
  14. exhausted all options..

    Have you tried to get a student line of credit from the bank? A friend who was not eligible for OSAP did just
  15. Not sure whether to continue

    Do not give up. Come up with another learning plan, like your instructor suggested, and go from there. I don't think you should transfer into the PSW program unless you have no other option. You want...