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All Content by lizzybeth

  1. My husband, too is very insecure about my going back to school for nursing. He jokes around that he can't wait til I'm bringing home some good money, but then "jokes" around to his friends and family that I am going to run off with a dr.He gets very ...
  2. Nursing School vs. Rad Tech school

    I also tied the Rad. tech program and dropped out in the middle of my second semester even though I was doing great grade-wise. The reason--I found it uninteresting and too technical for me. I wanted to be more involved in patient care. The reason I ...
  3. How much clinical time do you get?

    8:00--2:30 one day a week, freshman. Then it's like 2 then 3 days a week as the program progresses.
  4. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Thank you all for replying. I am glad to hear that micro is nothing like chemistry. God! I am not dumb by any means but when you have a family it's crazy! Nancy--good for you having the strength to get through a divorce and all the other obstacles yo...
  5. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hi my name is Laurie and I will starting the RN program at a community college this fall. I am 39 years old, married with 2 sons aged 5 and 19. I was a nail technician and esthetician for many years, and finally decided I wanted to stimulate my brain...
  6. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hi everyone! I have been reading everything here and I am very interested in all you have to say! I just got "the letter" the other day and am vey excited about starting the RN program! Yes, I am very scared--VERY SCARED--about the the intensity of t...