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All Content by lizzybeth

  1. Help....not sure how to be a nurse.

    I am a new rn, graduated in may 07. I am orienting on an orthopedic post op floor. I started just a few weeks ago. I had not had any patient care for 3 months or so(orientation started in sept.) and I feel very unsure about BP's. I did notice though ...
  2. just took mine today

    I took mine today--same story as many of you. Strange q's, LOTS of ptioritizing, SATA, weird meds and even two on treating patients with pertussus and diptheria! We never learned about those diseases! Only immunizing against them! So, I drove home in...
  3. Did anyone hate nursing school?

    Yes, I have to admit that I find NS a constant source of stress. I never would have gotten into it if I knew I would feel this way, almost every day. I too, find myself just trying to get through it and then get a job at Walmart, because I only hear ...
  4. unsure in clinical

    Thank you all for your replies. I have a feeling this BP anxiety may be part of my perfectionist personality. I need to practice practice practice!!!
  5. unsure in clinical

    I am a senior in an ADN program and I am still unsure of myself in clinical. I am a creature of habit and feel uncomfortable with change. Meaning, every clinical rotation, I have panic attacks, and doubt myself. I usually pull myself together and am...
  6. Cinical it or hate it?

    hate it, gonna burn it after I graduate!!!!! Along with my care plans!!! We wear white and we look like a gaggle of geese walking into the hospital. They appear dirty, especially if bleach is used to wash them--makes them yellow. I think a person who...
  7. does anyone feel lost

    I am feeling depressed and lost since being on break. I think it is because I am so used to being in studying and clinical mode--I don't know how to live normal! Even though I dread going back for my final semester--I am(in a weird way) needing it. A...
  8. anyone else struggle with Anxiety?

    I believe that some anxiety is healthy. It makes you aware and careful. But, if it is paralyzing you and making your life miserable even when you are not at work, then you need to talk to someone and get to the root of it. I am also a very anxious pe...
  9. Hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me find some good websites that could tell me about an lpn's role in the nursing arena and in relationships with RN'S and cna's. I have a paper due on this subject and cannot find a good reference with this ...
  10. Anyone worried about throwing up or passing out?

    Yeah, (watching) suctioning of a trache patient, or anything with gag reflexes and sputum involved make me want to lose it. But, I keep putting myself in those situations because I think The more I am around something, the more hardened up to it I be...
  11. I too started out with no experience in the health care field. It was a disadvantage for me during my freshman clinicals because I was so nervous around the patients and had no confidence. I am a student nurse extern this summer and I have to say I h...
  12. I'm so nervous!!

    Also, I just wanted to say that in time, you will see that you and your fellow nursing students are all in the same boat and there is rarely any embarrassment experienced around them! Unless they are jerks, which is usually the small population of nr...
  13. I'm so nervous!!

    I get scared to death about being watched and critiqued also! My anxiety has always gotten in the way of my goals. I still feel those feelings but I decided to face them and get angry at them! Before clinical I would give myself a strong talking to--...
  14. Relationships and Nursing school

    my husband and i don't have the best relationship in the world, but he has surprised me by how supportive he is of me in nursing school. who knows--maybe he wants to ditch me when i am making money! but anyways--whatever it is it's working out for me...
  15. so I'm bad at Math....

    I have always been a mathaphobic, but since nursing school, and studying for hours in Pickar, I am finding it second nature--and that is a lot to say for me! Just go over and over and over the calculations and you will be fine! Lizzybeth
  16. GAD is very common and treatable. It should not be a source of shame. As nursing students we should all understand that it is a body system dysfunction just like diabetes or hypertension! Having an anxiety disorder is so prevalent in our society beca...
  17. GAD is very common and treatable. It should not be a source of shame. As nursing students we should all understand that it is a body system dysfunction just like diabetes or hypertension! Having an anxiety disorder is so prevalent in our society beca...
  18. WOOT! Semester is OVER!!!! How did y'all do?

    my final was this morning and i am happy to say that my averages for med-surg and ob wound up being a b!!! i am thrilled with that!
  19. Has anyone else lost hair?

    Ever since I started nursing school, I noticed my hair has been falling out something horrible! Now I have little hairs sticking out all over my head like a Chia pet from the regrowth--thank God it is growing back! But it continues to fall out! It is...
  20. I'm Injection Mistake

    I am still a student, so I have it drilled in my head to aspirate on IM's. I guess the worse that could have happened is that the nnedle didn't make it into the deep muscle tissue.But from what I hear it is rare with the approprate sized needle. So ,...
  21. On the other hand, when I graduate and I am working with a doctor who calls me a derrogatory name--he better be ready for the talk of all talks in the lunch room, or where ever! After that I can be rest assured that he or she will not do that to me a...
  22. Last week one of my peers messed up during an assessment, possibly teetering on the edge of violating pt. safety, but our instructor waited until a proper time to discuss this with the student. Kudos to her. That is the way it should be done. Why mak...
  23. At the risk of sounding stupid....

    This is really weird. I had "sleep Paralysis" from the age of 17 to my early 20's and sporadically beyond those ages. My mother actually brought me to a priest because it got so bad. He just asked if I was on drugs. NO, I wasn't. The scary thing abo...
  24. Curious. How many "older" students

    I just turned 40. I started working towards this 4 years ago. I am now in my second semester of my freshman year, and I am definitely not the oldest in my class of around 100 or so!
  25. Need some encouragement (pity-party style)(Long)

    Bring some crackers or something with you that are handy throughout the day--you should not let your blood sugar get out of whack! Take care of yourself, you sound like a very smart young lady who puts herself last. You can only take care of others i...