
All Content by RNsRWe

  1. RNsRWe

    Online exams

    Thank you for writing this out; no doubt countless students will heed your advice and be prepared! Of course there will also be those who don't, but....at least they were warned :) I never considered that tests could be/would be different from stude...
  2. RNsRWe

    Overseas nursing

    What elk said. I'd only add that you might want to check with whatever school(s) you are most likely to attend once back in the States and make sure that your online courses will be accepted there for transfer. Some online courses are well-accepted...
  3. RNsRWe

    I PASSED NCLEX with 265 Questions!!

    Congrats, and welcome to the fold
  4. RNsRWe

    Nclex subjective exam

    I've wondered about them myself, especially given how stupid some of the ones that we KNOW get filed really are!
  5. I think with the elasticized bottoms, they look exactly like sweatpants. Not giving the image of a crisp medical professional, IMHO, so nothing I'd wear. I wouldn't expect the physician to look like he was on his way out the door to go jogging....so ...
  6. RNsRWe

    Nclex subjective exam

    The answer, it seems, to all conflicts and problems between the time one applies to a nursing school and passing the NCLEX can be alleviated by simply calling i-800-SUE-THEM. You know, a lawyer is always the best answer to any issue. Even if it's y...
  7. RNsRWe

    ICU stress

    Yes :)
  8. RNsRWe

    Nursing VS Medical School

    OP, people frequently post "what should I do" questions to some very personal quandaries. As you can guess, WE don't know what you should do if YOU don't know what you should do. Medical school and nursing school are two very different things, as th...
  9. RNsRWe

    Charity School of Nursing Application for SP 2016

    Maybe, but I'm not so sure now. I wrote what I did here because I genuinely believe that she doesn't understand why she is being rejected repeatedly, and was hoping to help. But....after reading some other posts, I'm just not so sure it's going to ...
  10. RNsRWe

    Can I get hep C without a needle stick?

    yep. That would be the story I was referring to!
  11. "teaching hospital" refers to a hospital that has a medical student/residency teaching program. Nurses are hired without any "teaching" in mind, you are expected to do your job correctly from the get-go. On October 7th, you posted about asking for a...
  12. Well, according to the video there is both MA and RN programming through this school. I do find it funny that a selling point of this "college" is that the library doesn't just have flash cards and books...."we have board games, too! How fun is THAT...
  13. RNsRWe

    Online exams

    FWIW, any time I had an open book test (live in class or online) I rarely if ever found the materials to be of much use. Generally, a test like that is designed such that you have to KNOW, you have to UNDERSTAND the content being tested in order to ...
  14. RNsRWe

    cna to rn???

    None of us can answer this for you. YOU already know the answer, I'm betting. If you want to become an RN...do it! If you do not wish to put in the time and work involved, don't do it. If you have ambitions greater than what you have now (in terms...
  15. RNsRWe

    Failed NCLEX-RN Aug 2015

    There is CERTAINTY that you failed or passed. You definitely did one or the other, there isn't another option. Number of SATA questions has no bearing on whether you passed or failed.
  16. RNsRWe

    Nclex pn denial of application for licensure

    JB, don't you know the answer to EVERY problem is "get a lawyer"? "Blessed"... Ok....get one. And once the fees are paid....and you are in no better a position than the day you hired him.....will you still recommend that course of action?
  17. RNsRWe

    Nclex subjective exam

    My brain is at risk of exploding. Seriously. Some people should simply not get to the point of graduation from a nursing program....and we wouldn't have these issues. To any nursing students or new grads reading "Blessed"'s nonsensical and paranoid...
  18. RNsRWe

    Can I get hep C without a needle stick?

    Might be a phobia for which help is needed, but.....also may be someone who is bored and this is entertainment. Go figure. The person from some months back stated she was a nurse, but it wasn't believable based on the questions. THIS OP states he/s...
  19. RNsRWe

    Can I get hep C without a needle stick?

    Ok...maybe I'm wrong.....but do you folks remember someone posting a few months back about how she thinks she had a bloodborne exposure without actually having any point of entry? And how we talked her down, educated her as best we could.....and it ...
  20. RNsRWe

    Nclex pn denial of application for licensure

    She did say (maybe it was on the other thread? Two are running simultaneously...) that she paid the $8 fee and QR said she passed. Look, OP, the bottom line is that the only way you could possibly have passed is if you completed the exam. That's it....
  21. RNsRWe

    Passing the NCLEX

    People have many different motivations for entering nursing school, and different motivations when approaching the NCLEX. Sometimes things just don't work out well the first time through! Good to see you picked yourself up and beat back your fears fo...
  22. RNsRWe

    why do many MAs and CNAs call themselves nurses?

    Absolutely every single sentence you wrote indicates you are either mistaken (and being misled by someone without your recognizing it) or you are lying (and I don't believe that to be the case). Someone told you a bunch of lies and you are believing ...
  23. RNsRWe

    why do many MAs and CNAs call themselves nurses?

    Unless she's Alicia Keys' twin sister, LOL....it ain't her! Name....probably not either. As for the rest of her post, it was just too poorly written for me to even understand what it was she was attempting to say. Made no sense. So I scrolled on...
  24. RNsRWe

    Nclex pn denial of application for licensure

    Ok, so you were quite WRONG when you told us you DID NOT finish the test. YOU DID. You were asked to leave the testing center before going back to find the test had shut off after your break. THAT means that your test is now going to be reviewed ...
  25. RNsRWe

    Pearson Vue Trick- Took my 200 :(

    Untrue. Have seen people over the last year (mostly the last six months) who have spent $200 and found out they passed later. Typically they did exactly what the OP did, and paid $ before waiting for the QA review to be completed during the first 2...