
All Content by RNsRWe

  1. RNsRWe

    Odd interactions

    Another memorable patient comes to mind. I was precepting a young man, new nurse who had a....shall we say....effeminate manner? I took him with me to my patient rooms, as he was matched with me for the shift's assignments. I introduced myself, in...
  2. RNsRWe

    Odd interactions

    OH.MY.GAWWD. blecch.
  3. RNsRWe

    Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    I guess the only thing I could offer at this point is that merely having a 'hold' on the results doesn't mean she failed....doesn't mean she passed....it just "IS". Good luck to you mom!
  4. RNsRWe

    Pearson Vue Trick as of August 2015

    ROFL....too much. Spouts off nonsense....and then screams when called on it. Funny!
  5. Hang in there! Getting all the questions means you were in the running, either just above or just below the passing line for the duration of the test. At this point, your exam will be reviewed to see if you have what is called a "final ability esti...
  6. RNsRWe

    Pearson Vue Trick as of August 2015

    What on earth ARE you talking about? You aren't making much sense. Those of us who have been keeping up on NCLEX changes (and along with that, the endless PVT queries) simply pass on what we know to those who WANT to know. YOU, it seems, are equating...
  7. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    How about calming down and losing the incredibly rude attitude? I posted because what you were saying to someone else was wrong. On a public forum, you do not dictate who does and does not post, so you can lose that, too. In case OTHERS are reading t...
  8. RNsRWe

    Odd interactions

    Lap choles are commonly 23 hour admits. So...you get them overnight.
  9. RNsRWe

    Pearson Vue Trick as of August 2015

    The QA review of every NCLEX is done within 24 hours of completion of the exam. The first score is immediate, which is why your test closed when it did. At some unknown point during the following 24 hours, a Quality Assurance evaluation of the exam i...
  10. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    48 hours is a guideline, people CAN and HAVE gotten their Quick Results at Hour 46. Sometimes, if a QA review is in order (a hold has been placed, without the candidate's knowing), then QR will be unavailable until that audit is complete. "Not a min...
  11. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    COULD I? Yes. WILL I? No. Because sifting through hundreds of threads to prove to you something that is already pretty well-known by those who have been regular readers of this forum is a colossal waste of time. For those of us following this for th...
  12. RNsRWe

    Computer shut at 265

    Huge majority of the time people report feeling stunned, confused, shocked, and disheartened because they were certain they must have failed. Huge majority of the time these people later report passing. :) Hang in there. You'll know soon!
  13. RNsRWe

    voucher promotion code for nclex rn?

    Review programs can order vouchers (pre-paid registrations) and then bundle them into the cost of the program for the consumer. If you didn't have such an offer as part of a purchased program, you can't get one now. They are non-transferrable, and ...
  14. RNsRWe

    PGCC Nurse Petitioner

    What is a "nurse petitioner"? Who is being petitioned...and for what?
  15. RNsRWe

    School Reputation

    "Ned surf"....LOL, I hope you were using voice recognition on your phone when doing this and didn't notice the gaff If you mean "med-surg", that IS the normal stomping ground of new grads, not a highly competitive specialized unit. As far as seekin...
  16. RNsRWe

    Odd interactions

    I once had a patient who "Presented Butt". Meaning that when she got herself up from the bedside commode, she would stick her butt out and lean forward on the over-the-bed table to have someone WIPE her BACKSIDE. She was there for an ORIF of her a...
  17. RNsRWe

    GA Teen Contracted HIV from a hair weave? Really?!?!

    The story may be a hoax, but at least it opens up the opportunity to discuss infection control /disease prevention with people who might not have been listening before!
  18. RNsRWe

    Can I get hep C without a needle stick?

    Yeah....that's what I was musing about a couple pages ago VERY familiar!
  19. RNsRWe

    GA Teen Contracted HIV from a hair weave? Really?!?!

    yeah.....NO. Can't buy this at all. HIV dies within minutes of leaving a host, and once the fluid it's in is dry....it's done. ONLY way I can see this as a possibility is if the person DOING the weave on the girl was HIV+, stuck HERSELF--bled on th...
  20. RNsRWe

    How many questions did you pass the NCLEX with?

    Having followed this board for years, I bet I've seen someone who could say they had every possible number of questions. For PN, that would be 120 people with every quantity of questions between min and max, and for RN, 190 people with every quantit...
  21. RNsRWe

    Question about GBM treatments?

    I need to find out more about GBM (glioblastoma) brain tumors, and current treatments. Situation is patient has just had a GBM (primary CA) removed from occipital lobe, will undergo radiation and low-dose oral chemo. Chemo will be ongoing, scans q2mo...
  22. RNsRWe

    pearsonvue trick question

    It is an expensive Magic 8 Ball. Most of the time, the computer registration will not let you pay if you passed. Sometimes, though, it DOES. $200 non-refundable. If it doesn't let you pay it doesn't necessarily mean you passed....and if you DO pa...
  23. RNsRWe

    Can I get hep C without a needle stick?

    I say it's all about the shoe covers. Really, who knows WHAT you are stepping in when you walk down the halls, or into a patient's room? Just because the floor isn't wet doesn't mean it isn't festering with enough germs to allow them to climb up yo...
  24. RNsRWe

    School Reputation

    Since the OP's tagname is "BS to BSN", I'm guessing he/she is either still working on getting the degree and not yet a licensed nurse or not yet even in a nursing program (and is evaluating how the schools in his/her area measure up --is this correct...
  25. RNsRWe

    Lvn/Pn vs RN

    Some people appreciate teamwork, and recognize that each level of licensure brings something to the table. And others don't. Some RNs delegate well and treat LPNs well....and some don't. Some LPNs take delegation well and treat RNs well....and som...