
All Content by RNsRWe

  1. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    I hear ya! I think my most difficult patients, when I worked med-surge that is, HAD to be males in their early 20's....followed fairly closely by females of the same age bracket, right up until about age 50. So....yeah, young males tended to be the ...
  2. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    Ha! I think it's safe to say that whenever we speak in generalities, someone is bound to feel that the description doesn't fit. And while sometimes that non-fit makes it offensive..sometimes it's just a funny misconception. Pretty hard to avoid one...
  3. RNsRWe

    Am I studying enough?

    ....and STUDY :)
  4. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    Well, you ARE a bit pushy, though....goes with the territory
  5. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    After reading each post in this thread, I have learned..... --Under-educated whites and over-educated whites are the best/worst patients. --Under-educated non-whites and over-educated non-whites are the best/worst patients. --Wealthy/underprivileged ...
  6. RNsRWe

    GUM! Can you chew it on shift?

    I stumbled across this thread, and couldn't IMAGINE what anyone could possibly say about GUM for 160+ posts!! So I skipped to the last few pages, chuckled....and can now move on :) I guess if anyone REALLY cares about what I think regarding gum chew...
  7. RNsRWe


    Of course the policy is going to vary from facility to facility; you certainly don't think there's a National Do Not Hire Registry, right? So....it depends what the facility decides as to what they will do. By the same logic, no one can possibly k...
  8. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    FWIW, I think the point being made regarding the bar exam was NOT to compare the difficulty of the exams to each other (and I don't know that California is even on the table...?). I believe the point being made was that the pre-law student (not yet ...
  9. RNsRWe

    Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

    I'll throw out an observation I've made that isn't race or ethnicity-related, but does also make note of a different impression made by a specific population. I work with our country's military Veterans, and have noticed that by-and-large, the respe...
  10. RNsRWe

    how soon to transfer within VA

    Hi, karrikon....the OP hasn't posted since January, so not likely to respond, but maybe I can help. Typically, VERY typically, interviews are by telephone. They don't expect you to travel to a distant State to interview unless you are one of the Top...
  11. RNsRWe

    Am I studying enough?

    Ok, re-read the post, didn't see anything saying you'd been studying since you failed, but that isn't important, really. A month, if you are asking...and you ARE asking....doesn't seem to be enough time based on what you're writing. Did you base you...
  12. RNsRWe

    Passed the NCLEX & I was a B student

    Congrats, and welcome to the fold :) The big thing to keep in mind when people are ready to face the NCLEX is that it is a minimum competency exam ONLY. It doesn't determine proficiency in anything, only whether the person taking it has demonstrated...
  13. RNsRWe

    Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    Weekends are irrelevant. It's a computerized system. Holds DO usually take somewhere between 24 and 72 hours....they can take longer. Two people in recent memory had to wait a week. Just how it is...I'm sorry, I know it's incredibly frustrating, ...
  14. RNsRWe

    Am I studying enough?

    Well...you've given yourself only two weeks to prepare after you failed your first attempt? It's not much time even if you were doing a concerted effort with a strong study plan....and it doesn't appear that is what you are doing. Your scores aren't...
  15. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    I called no one any names...not one. I described YOU as rude, which is true. Doesn't make it "name calling", it makes it an appropriate adjective. Carry on if you must, but this has grown tiresome. I think I'll be enacting the "ignore member" featu...
  16. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    To those who believe that someone who has recently "tried the trick" is more of an 'expert', if you will, than those who have followed the course of NCLEX changes and Pearson Vue changes over the last ten years, I'd have to say that would be an incor...
  17. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    Excellent advice that I hope is followed :)
  18. RNsRWe

    Passing the NCLEX

    The CPR (Candidate Performance Report) is a good place to start in an effort to form an effective study plan. It would outline where you were above and below the passing standard in the topic areas for testing. If you have studied on your own befor...
  19. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    I think this'd make an awesome t-shirt! (and I'm so very sure she's SO very loved with a 'tude like that.....LOL.....)
  20. RNsRWe


    It looks to me like you are attempting to register for the NCLEX-RN, and do not qualify, as your education is for a PN. If you took the NCLEX already, you cannot register for a new exam until you receive confirmation that you failed this one. If yo...
  21. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    Whatever, I guess for you, then, a decision to remain ignorant is bliss. Your inability to read doesn't impact my ability to type REALLY fast :)
  22. RNsRWe

    Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    When you entered your credit card number a second time (very bad idea, btw, as you only increase the odds that you GET the card charge to go through)....what message DID you get? Did you pay $200 for a new registration? Did you get a "card declined...
  23. RNsRWe

    NCLEX "OCTOBER 13, 2015 Pearson Vue trick.Good popup vs Bad

    This is not "your topic". This is a public message board, where people respond to what is written however they like as long as they do not break the TOS. YOU do not dictate who does and does not speak. Not your call. You have JUST joined this onl...
  24. RNsRWe

    Computer shut at 265

    You tested on 10/15.....Quick Results shouldn't be available until tomorrow. Are you confusing the legitimate test results that you get for a fee of $7.95 with the game/trick?
  25. RNsRWe

    Pearson Vue Trick as of August 2015

    Exactly. All we can do is educate. I think the idea that it's no biggie to use a valid card as long as there is only a few bucks on it is harmful to those who then get the "card declined" pop up. MOST of the time, it means the charge attempt was m...