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About Princess74

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  1. Princess74

    Dansko shoes

    I'm glad that they work for some of you all. I have a pair and they are no doubt the most uncomfortable shoes I have ever
  2. What do you do if you hate your job but almost every hospital and medical facility is owned by the same company? Anyone have any experience with
  3. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone
  4. Princess74

    CNA training: Some questionable behavior

    Unbelievable!! And so, so sad for those poor residents. I would turn them in to the State BON so fast that it would make their heads
  5. Princess74

    Hand and fingernail care

    Thanks for the ideas, keep them
  6. Princess74

    Hand and fingernail care

    We all wash our hands about a billion times a day and its terrible on our skin.... What do you use to keep your hands soft and pretty? What about hardners and other products for your fingernails and...
  7. I hate to say it, but I also have gained about 30 lbs since I started nursing school. First semester was the worst, all of that sitting through what seemed like endless hours of lectures. I too...
  8. Princess74

    LPN = Life's Perfect Nurses

    I totally agree with you. LPNs give the most direct Pt care, isn't that what nursing is all about anyway. Don't get me wrong I think RN are great and hope to become one, especially since in Virginia...
  9. Princess74

    Nursing Student that hates her job... help!

    Yes, I realize that nurses have loads and loads of work, charting etc to deal with and I'm sure it is just as stressful. I just hope that once I am a nurse and I have an aide to help me out that it...
  10. Princess74

    Nursing Student that hates her job... help!

    Thank you for such a nice post, this is the type of answer I was looking for. Unfortunately some posters are trying to turn this into a CNA vs Nurse thing. Thanks for sharing your experience, you just...
  11. Princess74

    Nursing Student that hates her job... help!

    You obviously didn't read my post very well. I never said that I felt like the nurses didn't work as a team with the NCP's. First of all because I am also a student nurse with this hospital I work (I...
  12. Princess74

    1st year Nursing STUDENT

    If I were you I would not take anythng extra. As it is you wont have much time to sleep. Trust me. Actually I love photography also. I would love to take a class in it. Not while I'm in the nursing...
  13. Princess74

    Nursing Student that hates her job... help!

    Don't get me wrong. The nurses on my floor are great. They help when they can and everyone really does work together as a team. They are glad to have us there and they make sure that we know that. The...
  14. Princess74

    Nursing Student that hates her job... help!

    Well I sure am glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's a difficult job, and I do hope that I can hang in there. I sure will be glad when I
  15. I'm a nursing student who graduates this December, since April I have been working on a med-surg floor at one of my local hospitals as a NCP (similar to a CNA). I get to do pretty much everything that...