

Army Medic 68W, Army LPN 68C, Sergeant

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All Content by sgt_nurse

  1. Excelsior College in South Carolina

    I am currently an LPN, transitioning out of the Army in the next few months. I will be moving to South Carolina. I have seen and read conflicting information on here about Excelsior and being able to NCLEX for the state of SC. The SC BON website do...
  2. Can you learn nursing in the military?

    To add on this if you do try to get 68C for your MOS... Make sure you have EVERYTHING in writing . Do not let them talk you into another MOS, and implying it is faster. If you have any questions PM me. I'm an NCO and a 68C. Bets of luck !
  3. Excelsior College in South Carolina

    Thank you LT ! That whole thread squared me away. I just have one more question about the exams and how to acquire the study guides? I seen some people stated they purchase from ebay, etc. Do you have a certain publisher you would suggest buying t...
  4. Excelsior College in South Carolina

    Thank you so much for the input. I am just scared. I suppose because It is not a "traditional" school. I went through LPN school in the Army, and it was very structured for us. Do you have all of your pre-reqs finished or are you doing those throug...
  5. Excelsior ADN and Straighterline

    romstead --I know this thread is a little old. How did it go finishing up the Anatomy and have you pressed on into the ADN yet
  6. My patient had HIV and the flu but wore mask incorrectly

    The n95, could be for his protection as another nurse mentioned. You will be on airborne precautions when you test positive for the Flu as well. It is a airborne communicable disease. So the negative pressure room, to protect you. The n95 to protect...
  7. South University BSN hopeful!

    I am looking into the program as well. Can you let me know if you did enroll, and if so how it went, if you need pre-reqs etc. Thanks :)
  8. South University (BSN) Columbia SC

    I know this is a little late , just wondering how South has been treating you hposton? Likes? Dislikes? Are you happy with your decision?
  9. South University (BSN) Columbia SC

    I know this thread is a little old. I was wondering if you did end up enrolling at South University? I am somewhat of the same boat. I will be moving to Columbia with the Army. I am currently an LVN with the military :) Also, avaloncar--- How wou...