Don't give up hope. I was sure I failed and found out today that I passed!!! :) Words can't describe the relief. My advice: keep your nerves in check, absolutely do not take any quizzes or tests the...
It can be very easy to throw in the towel and want to give up, get depressed. LOL I used to be an administrative assistant. The last time I failed, I was installing a sink for the neighbors and I...
Oh I can relate to this. I just finished round two today also. My first Nclex RN: took me no more than 1 hour and 75 questions (minimum). I was way too nervous and going too fast. Felt questions were...
Well, I officially rescheduled for September 10th. Another month out. There is always that wonder, could I have done it? But I'm at peace that the decision has been made and I'm not torturing myself...
The 56-58 up to 61 to 67 is about 3 weeks review for an hour or two a day? It's not a huge increase. I can almost always narrow down to the two right answers, but often select the second best. I...
So the question is, do I take it on the 20th and hope for the best? My quiz scores are between 60-67% it seems. I have myself in such a tizzy, I don't know what to do. One minute I think I want to...
I can so relate to you... Took the nclex about 40 days ago, got 75 questions and failed. I am now studying again and have my test scheduled for Monday, August 20th. I have Kaplans, Saunders, Mosby...
I work in a pain clinic and we use Lyrica quite a bit for our chronic pain patients. I think they are also starting to look at it for Fibromyalgia. Other common meds are cymbalta,...
Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose as there really isn't any test out there to confirm it. I think its a catch all diagnosis that may sometimes be used if everything else is ruled out. I work in...
First and foremost, you need to address the problem with the RT in private. Why drag more people into this if it could possibly just be a misunderstanding? Have you asked her why she is questioning...
Don't quit. Unfortunately, sometimes nursing school is like initiation and instructors like to rattle you and see how tough you are. You have to remember that once you on your own, you are going to be...
Hi, I'm not an OB nurse, rather a student working on a case study, and I"m stuck on a question. Can someone help? Would you do a lady partsl check on a 33 weeker with confirmed amniotic fluid that...
I am a LPN in a pain clinic. I do not work in the procedure room, but will monitor and discharge patients after they are out of procedure. My responsibilties include taking history, explaining...
Hi, I graduated mid August with my LPN degree and have my boards scheduled for mid September. I just accepted my first clinic job which I start before I've passed my boards. Here are my questions: 1)...