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About lilwill27330

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  1. Peanut allergy question

    yes, i was in the doctor's office with my son. the office is divided into 3 sitting areas, one divided from the other by either a half wall or a play area. anyway, one of the other mom's opened up a...
  2. Pay Rates?

    hi, im a nursing student at north carolina central at the present time and seriously considering a transfer. where did you study for your rn? what facitlity do you work at currently? if you would...
  3. Looking to move to Raleigh,NC - HELP!!

    check out this website and use wake county for your location. this should give u a listing of the available lpn jobs. i know some of them are in the prison. it should also give you a pay range........
  4. North Carolina Roll Call

    hi im nikki. i live in sanford. im doing the daily commute to north carolina central univ, but am hoping to move to durham in january. im finishing up my prereqs and hoping i make it into the second...
  5. Any black male nurses out there?

    i too, would luv to c alot more male nurses, especially of color. i try to sell the job to my nephews, they're not hearing it. so, im left with my hopes. its hard to find african american men in the...
  6. Any black male nurses out there?

    maybe i should move to bmore or
  7. Any black male nurses out there?

    you'll do great. dont even worry about
  8. Any black male nurses out there?

    + where are you in
  9. School debt

    i 4got this in my last post. this is a website about school loans; it has some good info.
  10. School debt

    i get scared everytime i think of the debt im accruing (sp). im just gonna pray that it works out ok. my brother and his wife have 100,000 between them in college debt. im way way way below that...
  11. my aunt has her msw. she says if u want to eat, dont get a msw. she was the director of the county mental health for approx 5 years, and has worked there for approximately 20 years. yes, she made 6...
  12. North Carolina Central University

    i dont understand why central's testing numbers are so low. they permit approx 45 students in a year. why are only 11 ppl taking boards? im so frustrated with them i could scream......the community...
  13. Any black male nurses out there?

    i have a friend in class with me at central...he's a cna at the
  14. North Carolina Central University

    yeah, im trying to figure out rather i should come home to the local community college. im finishing up my prereqs this year at central. im worried because ive heard so many negative things about the...
  15. are you or do you know anyone that graduated from nccu's bsn program? was it a positive experience? how equipped were you for your first