
krrbrr ADN


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All Content by krrbrr

  1. Transferring for nursing?

    First I would say, please please please please don't let the 'boy' in your life determine ANY decisions regarding your education. I did many years ago and now here I am at 33, still taking pre-req's to FINALLY pursue my dreams. On that same note, if ...
  2. Prerequisites and Washington state

    I agree with sgarcia14 and would get the statistics out of the way! I'm also in Washington and have very similar pre-req's to take. I found statistics surprisingly easy and not like a typical "math" class at all. Have a good calculator, be ready to u...
  3. Everything but the TEAS exam...

    I'm not 100% positive on this, maybe every state is different? I do know for instance with WGU if I do a search for "WGU Washington" it will pull up a site specific to what programs are offered here, so that might be an option for you. There's an ent...
  4. Everything but the TEAS exam...

    What kind of score did you get on the TEAS? Have you met the cap on how many times you can take it for the school you're trying to enroll in? How long did you study prior to taking the TEAS? Sorry I know it's a lot of questions, but I am nearing the ...
  5. LPN?

    This! First let me say... every school and area is different. The schools that are around me (in WA state) have RN programs that are 2 years. After the first year you are allowed to sit for the LPN test, with the instructors approval. If you alrea...
  6. Getting Discouraged

    I'm right here with you! I'm nearing the end of my pre-req's and am feeling the pressure/stress that comes along with it. We can do this though!!!! Don't forget to take care of yourself though, eat healthy, exercise, find some time to relax, and ATTA...
  7. Pre-requites are 2 years

    You know how parents tell us when we're younger that if you want something bad enough then you can make it happen? Well, for nursing school it takes more than just wanting it, you have to fight for it! We'd need to know a little more about your situ...
  8. Finally I know my career!

    I'm not a nurse yet, so I can't tell you how that is since I'm finishing up my pre-req's now. I will tell you that if you want it bad enough, you can most definitely succeed. Don't be afraid to get to know your instructors, ask for help, as someone e...
  9. All CNAs

    I took a 3 week CNA course in '13 summer and it was insane! Since it was a compressed course I might have different experiences than most, but one of the things I seemed to struggle with the most on our first day of clinicals is I felt like we didn't...
  10. Accepted into Nursing School

    grats to both of you! I also don't have any advice or offer any help as I'm still working on pre-req's myself! Wish you both the best though! awesome job!
  11. Procrastination

    Thank you both for your replies :) Yes I do use a planner like mad! Sadly the problem I seem to be having isn't my organization in general, I'm a bit OCD in how I like things organized hah. You're SO right though, procrastination is a vicious cycle! ...
  12. Procrastination

    it's... KILLING me! I suffer from anxiety issues and I know that's what contributes to the times when I seem to procrastinate the most. I am much better about avoiding procrastinating now than I was 10 years ago (I'm 33 now) however I know it's somet...
  13. Ebola: Why Respiratory Protection MUST Be Worn

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. I can understand how nurses who maybe weren't aware of these forums prior to the ebola mess might have found their way to these forums, it just seems a little odd how the OP's posts have been popping u...
  14. MATH was my savior when I had to take algebra after being out of school for so long! I also did general searches on youtube for specific areas I struggled in and it helped a lot. I also ended up taking more math classes/harder...
  15. How many pre-reqs do you have to go?

    This fall I'm taking a&p 1 and lifespan psychology right now, winter quarter will be a&p 2 and sociology, spring will be microbiology and studying for the TEAS. Applications are due April 15th at my school, but you have until June 30th to tu...
  16. A&P

    I'm sure A&P is hard for most people (I'm currently taking it as well!). Hang in there, we can do this!!! Make sure to utilize the internet A LOT! Like the link posted above for tutoring as well as looking up a lot of things on youtube, google s...
  17. Take Intro to Bio or AP out of it?

    My school had an intro to bio class listed as a pre-req for A&P. However my adviser told me that it's not needed (and the professor doesn't care if you take it), so I proceeded on with A&P without taking it. BIG MISTAKE, I'm not saying that I...
  18. Centralia Community College

    I'm also attending CC :) this quarter I'm taking A&P and the 2nd Psyc class, only a few more classes to go and I'll be ready to apply for next fall's program! I'm a bit farther away from LC, but I have a friend who just transferred there this pas...
  19. No problem, 6 weeks is really fast! It sounds like you're doing a great job so far though and have definitely done your homework! I'm sorry you didn't get a good chance for ice breakers they really were what made our class seem so good. Another hint...
  20. I just completed my speech class and will probably have a different experience than most in this thread. My teacher was UNBELIEVABLY good! He went out of his way on a daily, or more like every 15 minute basis to make EVERY SINGLE PERSON feel comforta...
  21. Bye bye pre nursing

  22. Best & quick CNA program for Spring in Seattle

    I used Blossom CNA in Kent, WA :) they have classes going on constantly and their program is only a few weeks long. It was quite intense the amount you learn in the short amount of time, but it's also one of the best priced places out there. I met so...
  23. Intro to Chemistry Help

    One of the pre-req's I need to take for nursing school is Intro to Chemistry. I'm definitely not doing "bad" in the class by any means, but I've noticed a trend with the tests that we've taken so far and I'm trying to figure out how to improve my sco...