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All Content by ant2cory

  1. Need help with Med/Surg?

    I would love to get a copy of the notes to review!
  2. Scholarships

    I am going to be starting nursing school next fall and it is very expensive. I am looking (and have been for a while) at scholarships but they never lead anywhere. I have a 4.0 and am a single mom. I am told that I should qualify for numerous schola...
  3. Scholarships

    No, I'm in Missouri.
  4. What has been your favorite prerequisite?

    A&P was my absolute favorite! My professor was awesome. He was very knowledgeable (wrote the A&P book) and truly loved teaching. His passion was making everyone else passionate about learning! I hated chem, but found I am actually liking stat...
  5. Working as a CNA before nursing school?

    I would love to get a PCT job in a hospital but I have to keep my full time job bc I am a single mom and make over $17 and hour. I have to be able to pay my bills but I do want to be employed but a hospital before I graduate. And I know both of the c...
  6. schools

    How far are you willing to move? Do you have a high GPA? Why are you having trouble in NY? Are you looking for ASN or BSN? There are a lot if good schools but it all depends in what you are looking for and why
  7. Who motivates you? Inspires you? Share your stories.

    I am a little embarrassed with all my typo's in my original post, sorry! But I wanted to say thank you so very much :) Children are very resilient and I love them all! THEY are my passion
  8. Pre-nursing flip-flopper

    What is your passion? What do YOU want to do? I currently work for a dentist and will tell you that finding a job in hygiene is almost harder than finding a nursing position right now. Also, you will most likely work 2 part time jobs instead of one f...
  9. Tuition Forgiveness

    I just heard that almost all the hospitals in the St. Louis area have done away with loan forgiveness. Only 2 still offer it. Most offer tuition reimbursement so if you work there while in school they will pay for part if your schooling.
  10. Very interested in working in a Nicu - How do I get in?

    I also want to work in the NICU. It is my dream but I have heard it is VERY hard to get into. I plan on going to get my masters have a neonatal nurse practitioner but to even be considered for the program here (STL, UMSL) you have to have a minimum o...
  11. Best Nursing Program in STL?

    I am going to Maryville, They don't have a wait list but accept students based on your GPA. I love Maryville but have heard their nursing program can be a bit unorganized and that scares me. I am a very organized person so I know I can get through it...
  12. Who motivates you? Inspires you? Share your stories.

    My motivation come from my children. Especially my daughter. She is only 7 and has been through more than any little person ever should, yet she always has a smile on her face! She was born with a rare spinal disorder called syringomyelia, an immune ...
  13. nursing (humans) vs animal jobs

    I am getting my BSN and would someday love to provide equine therapy. After I am settled in my career I plan to buy a farm and get at least one horse :) If I don't provide therapy in the future (by adding horses and a program) I will at least have my...
  14. GPA determination for nursing program

    My school uses your overall GPA and then looks at your science GPA separately. Overall, best GPA's get in. The school I am applying to is VERY competitive and if you don't have at least a 3.6 (overall & science) you won't even be considered :/ I...
  15. Did you take a Medical Terminology class?

    It's not required for any of the programs in STL that I know of. I took it though and it has been extremely helpful. And as someone else pointed out, it's an easy A!
  16. Anyone else taking Statistics this fall?

    I'm taking it but it's online for only 8 weeks :/ Class doesn't officially start until the 26th but it's open and we have assignments due on the first day. I have already started :) It's not bad yet. We get to use a computer program to do all our c...
  17. What are your plans??

    What is everybody taking this fall? How long do you have before you start your nursing program? I am taking Stats (online, Yuck!!!), Nutrition and intercultural studies. I work full time and am a single mom of 2 so this is plenty for me! After this s...
  18. What are your plans??

    Lots of Fall 2014 applicants in here!!! Good luck to everybody! I am so excited to get going in the actually nursing program. I feel like I have been taking pre-reqs FOREVER!!!
  19. Statistics online???

    I'm taking it online this fall too. Mine is an 8 week course. I'm a little worried but I know I can do anything if I just try and so can you! Good luck!
  20. What Was Your Hardest Topic In Anatomy and Physiology?

    The endocrine system was hard! It was at the very end of the semester so we flew through it. I don't feel like I have a good grasp on that at all.
  21. Last semester of pre-reqs!

    After this fall semester I will be on my last set of classes! I'm taking stats, nutrition, and inter cultural studies in the fall. In the spring I will take micro with lab, history and one elective (probably abnormal psych) then hopefully start nursi...
  22. Hard time memorizing! This is so fustrating! Help!

    This is great advice! If you learn how things work then memorization is unnecessary because it will all make sense! I wish there was some trick to it but I don't think there is, just study, study, study. :) Also, don't let anyone tell you that you ca...
  23. Recipes and snack ideas for school and clinicals

    Love this thread!!! I haven't been able to read all the post yet but keep em coming!!! I can't wait to read them later!!
  24. Fall Classes 2013

    I am taking Statistics, Nutrition and intercultural studies this coming fall. After that I have just 3 prereqs left!! Anyway, A&P is very time consuming and can be difficult, Ethics is a lot of reading but other than that a pretty easy class. I ...
  25. Working in hospitals

    Hi everybody! Let me start by saying I know it is very tacky and unprofessional to discuss pay but I am really looking for advice and thought this was the best way to find it. I will be starting nursing school next fall (finishing pre-reques now) in ...