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  1. How often do you play hooky?

    Agreed. The mental health of a nurse should not be discounted, or considered "hooky." Your mental health is a large part of your overall
  2. Family member sabotaging patient!

    She is (supposedly) a physician, but acts like she is your father-in-law's physician? If she is administering treatments to this patient, wouldn't that be malpractice, since it is NOT her patient? If...
  3. News of Mother's Death Left on Answering Machine

    That sounds like someone who would make a sick prank call instead of a professional dealing with patients. Who would do that?
  4. Excuse me, I wasn't talking to you!!

    Is there any way that you can get the pt.'s wishes in writing? Perhaps he could get a lawyer? I think some actions need to be taken w/o the family
  5. Tipping a doctor, acceptable?

    The "gift" seems inappropriately large, to me. Talk to your grandfather and find out his
  6. Old photo of nurse on rooftop???

  7. Yeah, that's right, it's my fault.

    :chuckle I knew what you
  8. Help...are these feelings "normal"

    I'm not a nurse but I also think your feelings are normal. It is terribly sad to see a person who was once so full of life just wasting away in an environment that doesn't seem as beneficial as it...
  9. Managing Perceptions (male nurse/student in OB)

    Yes, yes,
  10. Exactly!!
  11. Nurses need strong enforceable whistle blower laws!

    I'm glad that there are more nurses speaking up for themselves so they don't get walked all over, and also can help make life a little easier for the nurses that come after them. Good for them....
  12. Oh my God. I would have been so ticked. I really hate that we are in such a sue-crazy world right now. Like it's the only answer. And I think the cause is greed. I hope nothing happens for this family...
  13. Managing Perceptions (male nurse/student in OB)

    I think this was rather a rude comment, and I don't think you have experienced the things I have. And since you have no idea what it's like to be me, or know who I am at all, what right does that give...
  14. Nursing Assistants Responsibilities-I Need Help!!

    Don't forget what she said above... it seems that there were a few attempts made already to help this woman, but she just wasn't using the bedpan when given the opportunity for one reason or another....
  15. I'm happy to report...........

    Good job! I hope everything works out for