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  1. Do Bachelor's Degrees Save Lives? - The Facts about Earning a BSN

    Oh well didn't read all the comments when I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Looks like the previous poster already mentioned the patient ratio thing and their expected outcomes LOL. Was thinking I...
  2. Do Bachelor's Degrees Save Lives? - The Facts about Earning a BSN

    Why not compare ASN holders with less number of patients to BSN with more number of patients and see which one will have an increase in mortality rate. When I read that part I was like, really? In my...
  3. A & P final grades are in, what's urs

    I know right? I had a female lecture for lab (Ogaga) and yes the school gives extra credit. For instance, they gave about 75 questions for lab midterm and final as opposed to 70 so the extra five...
  4. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    Correct! @hopefulrngsu I think my GPA and about 86 Volunteer hours saved me too. I reluctantly applied on the due date (Oct 1st) and was accepted with 82 on TEASV (only 1 attempt), 4.0 GPA (62 credit...
  5. Emory is it really worth the money?

    @meep Oh yes! Absolutely correct. I wanted Emory too so badly but when I began to volunteer at their hospital (EUHM) I spoke to two Emory BSN graduates on my unit; one was on scholarship, and the...
  6. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    The curriculum is still the same as it were in that link. Don't let the "2013-2014" throw you off. They may give us another during the meeting next month (Jan
  7. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    Check the letter of acceptance you received in your mail packet, it tells you the classes you need to take for spring. Mine also says I should take NURS2040 and NURS2060, which leaves me to only 4...
  8. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    From the first page I read I thought this post will die a natural death by not making it to the second page with all the warning from other posters. Anyways it has about 1165 comments now while other...
  9. I need help with understanding how do a care plan.

    WOW! I will be starting Nursing School in Spring of 2016 and I decided to start reading up on 1st semester case scenarios especially on "Care Plan" and "Nursing Diagnosis". God bless you all for...
  10. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    Oh well, it's right here in the packet. Check the Program Orientation invitation or sheet, #5 on the list indicates where we will find the health documentation packet (it will be on the quiz following...
  11. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    @annerstine that's actually why I came on here to see if anyone has an answer to your question. Just checked my mailbox and found mine about few minutes ago. I think the health documentation...
  12. Applied to GSU on the due date Oct 1st. Was pregnant but had a Pre-term baby on Sept 9 who couldn't survive the outside world because he was only four months old. After recovery I decided to take...
  13. Georgia State Nursing Spring 2016

    Just received an email that I've been ACCEPTED into the Traditional track for Spring 2016. I already lost hope on this because I was checking my home phone messages last two weeks and got a message...
  14. Herzing University-Atlanta...new BSN Program

    @sheilou no dear not fully, still some work going one with no guarantee of accreditation before one graduates. https://www.herzing.edu/about/accreditation "...Further, the program is a new applicant...
  15. ATL Herzing University

    I think someone did not mention all the facts about their accreditation. Here's what I just copied now (17th of August 2015) from their website. Right after what the above poster that works with...