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All Content by optimind

  1. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    man I managed to sleep well during this week until now. think I can't sleep tonight lol hopefully she will tell me "congratulation"
  2. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    aww congrats !!!!!! I can't check it online lol because Im already a LB student. Gotta call her first thing tmr's morning tho. luckily it's still friday so she still works. Im dying to know D: 1 thing tho: how did you ask her?something like "can you ...
  3. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    THey always request transcripts to verify your grades from last fall semester. I remember more than a year ago when I got acceptance email from the univeristy they also requested my official transcripts. THe SoN works separately tho. somebody try to ...
  4. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Right, we have to wait till April 20th for SoN. Anyway congrats. You just passed another obstacle :)
  5. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    For you guys who got the emails, it's the offer for admission from the university right? I mean for transfer students. I'm already a LB student and I haven't received any email yet
  6. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

  7. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Maybe she meant the admitted and alternate lists
  8. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Why is it bad news? It's always the final week of April.
  9. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Just done mine. It's like everything we expected. Also he stated that " you are already ranked.... The purpose of this is to test your communication..." so expect them to call in 6 weeks or so
  10. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

  11. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    hmm just checked my score too. She said mine is 9.48 which is a lil bit higher than what i calculated myself (9.45)... (I was hoping for some miracle that would pump my score up haha...) anyway I was about to ask her what the cutoff is. I was like "d...
  12. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    So we know that cutoff has to be below 9.23 We have 1 member here with 9.19 with the invite We have someone with 9.1 with no invite Estimation: the cutoff is 9.15 Gobeach: I hope you are not an alternate, because we have similar scores...
  13. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    According to my friend, she was told today by you know who this year the cutoff is 9.23 or a bit below that, just like what Lilmisfit was told. The fact gmo not need to attend the interview again means it's not really that critical right?
  14. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Congrats gmo!! :) you gotta share with me some of your optimism because I really need it.
  15. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Good news for you haha. It's better to calculate your score lower than it should be and not the other way. Have a question: the cut off is meant for those admitted right? Or is it for alternates too?
  16. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    I just changed mine from 9 to 10am. Figured 9am is too early. anyone go to the same room 36 nursing building right?
  17. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Not sure if it will be really that quick. Last fall it was around the fourth week of april. But I guess transfer students have to wait for the university itself too. But if at least they let us know where we stand in the list, that'd be great.
  18. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    No she won't let us know now... But I guess on the interview day, if you really beg her, maybe she will let you know. Anyone book at 9am? I have 2 midterms in the evening on that day so I need to do this as early as possible.
  19. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    How do you know where you stand? I will ask M..... tmr and hopefully she will tell me if I'm an alternate or not. If I'm in, I'll go with the basic. Doing science class in summer is never a good idea. Anyway I will worry about that later. Right now ...
  20. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Great. I usually sit at the middle of row 3 in pathology class. (guy, Asian with glasses lol) if you see me, just come say hi I'm on allnurses or something:)
  21. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    I wanted to pm gmo. But seems like I can't use private msg function. So hm Im gonna say it here... Gmo, are you in Patho -----------and Pharma ------------at GWC? would you like to meet in class?
  22. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Okay so I've been reading threads about last year interviews. On monday when you call to schedule the meeting, ask her if you're on the alternate list or not. She might even tell us where we rank (depends on her mood, I guess). I'll try asking her t...
  23. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    I apologized for my immaturity... So there's someone with 9.19 getting the email. So maybe 9.1 is really the cutoff this year
  24. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN

    Ahaha... Yeah the female version of ------------
  25. CSULB Fall 2013 BSN