eyesopen_mouthshut CNA

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About eyesopen_mouthshut

Raised in a small town, and moved to a close metro area where I started school and met my husband.

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  1. eyesopen_mouthshut

    How to be the best candidate: BSN Navy

    You would think community volunteering would be on my radar but it slipped my mind somehow. Did tons of it during my prerequisite classes, will pick it up again for sure. My GPA is a 3.89 right now,...
  2. I know that good grades are very important, and I plan on keeping my GPA as high as possible considering I do not have any other obligations while I'm in nursing school. My question is, what can I do...
  3. eyesopen_mouthshut

    Tampa Area Nursing Schools

    Not sure if you're still looking, but I came into South University as a junior, and I'm now in their BSN program-- not RN-BSN, just BSN. I thought it was a great transition, the school is quite nice,...
  4. eyesopen_mouthshut

    New grad RN salary in Florida 2014

    That's crazy! Tampa Bay Area starts off from
  5. eyesopen_mouthshut

    New grad RN salary in Florida 2014

    Ahh okay, it's a stand alone surgery center... The hospitals around me ARE the surgery centers lol! Cool and good
  6. eyesopen_mouthshut

    itt tech nursing students

    Yep. Dealing with this right now. Transferring with less than a year from an non accredited program into an accredited one, not gonna be done until the end of 2016 (whereas I'd be done in June 2015 if...
  7. eyesopen_mouthshut

    New grad RN salary in Florida 2014

    For what you're responsible for, yes a little. I'd aim for 25-32$/
  8. eyesopen_mouthshut

    I'm transferring with less than a year until I graduate.... Am I crazy?!

    Wow surprised this hit 6 pgs. Thanks for all of the info ladies and gents. I don't feel so bad about transferring now... it wasn't that I felt bad, it was that I was just questioning everything......
  9. eyesopen_mouthshut

    Any South University Tampa Oct 2014 hopefuls out there?

    What do you mean? You can PM me if you want... I'm transferring from Galen to here, I just want to know that I'm making a good choice
  10. eyesopen_mouthshut

    Any South University Tampa Oct 2014 hopefuls out there?

    I'm starting here in Oct but have to take a few prereqs. Applying for the BSN program in April. How do you like the gen ed classes so
  11. eyesopen_mouthshut

    What do you do when...

    He's saying SAC is national and that CCNE and ACEN is not needed (which is kinda true I guess?). But marking our school as nationally accredited. Only accreditations are SAC, FL BON, COE. 2-year RN...
  12. eyesopen_mouthshut

    What do you do when...

    Your school is telling people they have national accreditation and they don't?? I know we don't have it, because SAC is only regional accreditation, not national. But when confronted by the president...
  13. eyesopen_mouthshut

    I'm transferring with less than a year until I graduate.... Am I crazy?!

    It's non NLN
  14. eyesopen_mouthshut

    I'm transferring with less than a year until I graduate.... Am I crazy?!

    I feel like this took a weird turn. I just wanted to know what people thought about my situation. I know around here BSNs are very desirable (they're firing RNs from the local level 1 trauma hospital)...
  15. eyesopen_mouthshut

    Low impact student?

    One thing that I've noticed is making yourself available. I guess that kinda goes along with common sense, but still-- I've seen students just flat out avoid the CNA/ PCT on the floor so that didn't...