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All Content by P-RN

  1. A coworker in the ICU was checking whether an elderly patient was oriented and asked her if she knew where she was. The woman looked at her like she was stupid and replied, "Of course I know where I am, I'm right here! When we finished laughing we ag...
  2. Most Americans have strong feelings about gun control, whether in favor of more or less. Legislation has even been passed restricting physicians from discussing guns with patients. What is your opinion about healthcare professionals discussing safeke...
  3. More Nursing Humor

    It all began with a nurse in the open heart recovery at the hospital where I worked. She thought that a new resident was dreamy and wanted me to introduce her to him. When she said that she would love to get him in front of her fireplace with a bottl...
  4. Affordable Care Act Users Guide for Nurses

    Well said Raicho. Whether you agree with the law, or think it is garbage, as Kyrshamarks does, the article is based on the facts, not opinion and anyone wishing to point out errors is welcome to. Name calling is not particularly productive, or matur...
  5. Recruiting for the Future

    A frequent topic of nursing discussions and articles has been that of nurses eating their young. This refers to the instances when older, more experienced nurses withhold the support newer nurses need when starting out in their careers. Rather than u...