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All Content by mustang_convt

  1. Who knew this was so LONELY????

    Im a new OB travel nure. After many years of contemplation I finally bit the bullet and took my first assignment. I am a pretty independant girl-no husband, no children-although I do have a boyfriend, but he is supportive of my decision. I managed to...
  2. You all are so brave!!! And Great Nurses!!!

    I just wanted everyone reading these forums who has struggled with addiction to know-I am so proud of you and in awe of your courage. I came to these forums because a very good friend of mine who is an RN just disclosed to me she has a problem with N...
  3. The Travel Nurse who uses a (Gasp!) Controlled Substance

    I def have some research to do on the ins and outs. It would be nice if pharmacists would actually answer questions to help people remain compliant with laws they as patients aren't intimately familiar with but the practitioners know everything about...
  4. Hello Fellow Travel Nurses (and future travel nurses), I learned a previously unknown tidbit today at the pharmacy and Im a little confused and annoyed at the hoops I am going to have to potentially jump through in the near future. I have been a thir...
  5. Cali pay rates Vs Cost of Living

    Hello fellow travelers! I am about to end my first 13 wk assignment in Indiana. I am strongly considering going to California for my next contract as I already have the license and there is a big need for L&D nurses out there. Im finding pay rate...
  6. Not being considered to "re-sign" contract

    Hi All! I have a question for the more seasoned travel nurses. I am about to finish up my first assignment as a labor nurse. The hospital I am contracted at is very small (25 beds total) and the labor/post partem unit is VERY slow. However-they are i...
  7. Two companies - same hospital and unit- different offers

    What is a hospital bean counter??? I just posted a question asking why a hospital with a very desperate need for trained staff would choose not to extend my contract even though we have had zero issues in term of patient care, medications, charting, ...
  8. Wage Garnishment and Taxable Income

    Hi Everyone! I have tried to google this but cant come up with an answer. There is a possibility I may have my wages garnished in the future. Its not a definite but I'd like to be prepared if it does happen and write my contracts in a manner that is ...
  9. Wage Garnishment and Taxable Income

    Def all things to factor into the equation. But as not to distract from the OP-does anyone know if non-taxable income can be garnished? TIA!!!
  10. Wage Garnishment and Taxable Income

    I agree! Right now Im more doing research and figuring out what to possibly expect. I also realize laws will vary from state-to-state so Im just looking at the broad picture for now rather than spending a lot of money to consult on a "what if" with a...
  11. Why do hospitals hire travellers?

    Always impressed with both your insight and your wording Ned. Also appreciate the tidbits of knowledge. I had no clue California had laws on nurse/patient ratios!
  12. Overweight travel nurses!!

    Girl-I totally understand why you are asking this question. I was 230 (on a 5'2 frame) when I started considering traveling. I worked my ass off in a busy labor/delivery but for some reason thought because I wasnt in top shape I would make a bad trav...
  13. Tax Benefits besides "Housing"

    I was just wondering exactly how creative people have been able to get as a "Free Agent" when it comes to your annual taxes. Obviously most travelers wont be able to write off their lodging and meals because most of us are already receiving a housing...
  14. Tax Benefits besides "Housing"

    Ned, you rock
  15. Critical Acess Hospitals and Labor nursing

    Hello fellow travelers! I am a nurse in Indiana who is trying to break into the travel nursing field. I applied for and was granted my Cali liscense as my original plan was to go out West. However, for personal reasons I'm now thinking of staying in ...
  16. Computer Conversion Pay-Nurse Choice

    Hello fellow nurses! I am a labor/delivery and PP nurse liscenced in Indiana. I have been preparing the last 3-4 months to be a travel nurse by talking to recruiters and stalking forums like this and applying for and obtaining my Cali and Illinois li...
  17. Computer Conversion Pay-Nurse Choice

    Thanks Ned! I have read your replies in other threads and you are always though row and polite. Ive learned a lot from reading your replies to other people's questions. Are you some Admin on the site or just a previous or current recruiter whop knows...
  18. Computer Conversion Pay-Nurse Choice

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience!!! I specifically asked about the Monday thing because I wondered why administrative staff would be "in" on a holiday but they confirmed Monday was ok even with it being a holiday-I was surprised too! Do ...
  19. Hello fellow travelers!! I am new to the travel nurse business and am trying to land my first contract. I have spoken with a few recruiters and they have ranged from very helpful to not at all helpful. However, all of them seem sketchy about helping ...