Bull's eye

Bull's eye

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  1. s/p heal surgury

    Nice, never heard it called Pott's before. Must be old
  2. s/p heal surgury

    You mean Pilon Fracture, I think. Unfortunately even with surgery, you stand a fair to resonable chance of having post traumatic arthritis of your sub-talar joint. (the joint between the calcaneous...
  3. fx of 3rd metatarsal, curious on healing time

    Normal healing time for these types of fractures are 6-8 weeks, and because of the location so close to the tranverse arch of the foot, you should be non weight bearing for most of that time....
  4. Expected Outcomes?

    Sorry to hear about your husbands accident. As an ortho resident, I have worked up and operated on a lot of foot/ankle cases. I usually work them up in a poly trauma situation, and it seems that...
  5. old breaks

    Where was the break? (Middle? Distal? Proximal 1/3rd?) Can you see the deformity on x-ray? Could this be post traumatic arthritis of the AC joint(or SC joint for that matter)? Would a cortisone...
  6. Are Use Of Screws Used In Thr

    Not true. While cementing is frowned upon, press fit cups with sharp ridges to keep it stable are used in certain
  7. Are Use Of Screws Used In Thr

    It depends on the system used and surgeon preference. I will when I am
  8. Carpal Tunnel ???

    Yeah, actually, my program director is one of the best hand surgeons in the United States. He is in St. Louis. PM me if you are interested. Is the Nerve conduction study in question? If it is then...
  9. Carpal Tunnel ???

    Well, generally speaking CTS is a chronic disease, fibrosis of the Transverse Carpal Ligament, and if the nerve is that severely injured it argues against sudden onset. Some causes of sudden onset...
  10. Carpal Tunnel ???

    Yeah I agree that it is strange, but numbness in the first 3.5 digits, pain and difficulty making a fist can be Carpal Tunnel. I don't want you to have unnecessary surgery either, but I don't want...
  11. Carpal Tunnel ???

    If the NCV said you have severe nerve compression across the Transverse Carpal Ligament, and the symptoms persist you should have the surgery. If you wait too long it could be permenent (may be...
  12. Hold up now! I am an Orthopedic surgery resident and we go out with the ICU nurses at least 1 thursday a month. It is a rare thing for there to be any animosity toward each other, and we learn from...
  13. I am an ortho resident and my best friend is finishing his ARN in SE Kansas. We plan to work together and he just told me that he is considering becomming a nurse practitioner. Now, what would he...