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All Content by LizziB

  1. Common Correctional Nursing Interview Questions

    Up in Canada here - my interview at the regional medium/max facility is tomorrow. This thread has been amazing! Fingers crossed.
  2. racist patients

    My question comes from a different angle - I am an older, red-headed, blue-eyed evening charge nurse in an area of Canada that, up until recently has been mainly rural and Caucasian, but we are close enough to the city that nurses and PSWs (personal ...
  3. I'm a residential hospice care nurse. I did the count down with a patient while preparing to give him a catheter. That done I then had to pronounce another patient. All the paperwork and cleaning involved in that and patient one was having severe ...
  4. Before turning the TVs off, first make sure the patient hasn't put the TV on because it helps them sleep and cover the ambient noise. I know that's the case for me - perhaps instead of a policy of turning it off, have headphone available.