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  1. Should I get Essentials of Correctional Nursing?

    Yes! As a nurse manager, I now hand a copy to my new nurses to read through as they move through orientation. It is an excellent resource and will help you get up to speed as well as learn national...
  2. Can LPNs given meds in Pennsylvania?

  3. I have heard that LPNs licensed in PA cannot give meds without an RN present. Any truth to this? Anyone know where exactly to find support or refuting information in the practice
  4. Need help! Help our specialty!

    I've sent you a PM. Hopefully, you can then reply. You should get a note in your email as
  5. Need help! Help our specialty!

    No, I was 'paroled' to Immigration more than a year ago. Shoot me a PM and I will give you the
  6. STG International??

    STG provides contract employees for the Immigration detention center I work at, as well as all the other ICE detention centers. I have heard from their staff that they pay well, but that the medical...
  7. Need help! Help our specialty!

    71 responses so far. Just a few days of data collection left. Can you help me get over 100
  8. Need help! Help our specialty!

    One more week of data collection to go. If you have not already done so, I implore every corrections nurse to take this survey. Help shape the recruitment of nurses into our specialty....
  9. Need help! Help our specialty!

    The Chief Nurse for the Federal Bureau of Prisons has been gracious enough to distribute this survey to that agency's nurses. I would love to see a lot more state prison nurses and jail nurses...
  10. Need help! Help our specialty!

    I would like to make the results available, yes. I may be able to post preliminary information. The long range plan is to attempt to publish the results in one of the NCCHC journals or the ACA health...
  11. Need help! Help our specialty!

    Thanks to everyone who has taken part in the survey. More,
  12. Need help! Help our specialty!

    Sixteen responses so far! Come on prison and jail nurses, pitch in to help our specialty.
  13. Why is corrections nursing so litigious?

    Money: Friends, family, criminal activity, inmate jobs. In many cases, though, inmates write the suit themselves and can file it for little or no cost based on laws designed to protect the ability of...
  14. Why is corrections nursing so litigious?

    One thing that is special to corrections is the concept of deliberate indifference. This is different from malpractice or negligence and is often claimed by inmates. In addition, inmates have a lot of...
  15. Need help! Help our specialty!

    Thanks for those who have responded to this survey. I would love to see many more nurses participate and help shape the future of our