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About sj10125

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  1. Congrats, I knew you would get in. Let me knwo when your acceptance letter comes in. How many classes do you need to still take to get in officially, and how are you affording this?? -SJ
  2. I also was accepted and will be attending in the fall. I was wondering if you have received your acceptance letters for fall yet. And Congrats!!!
  3. NEU Online Fall 2013

    Just been accepted today for fall 2013. I was wondering when we have to submit deposit to hold your seat. My advisor was scare on telling me that????
  4. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2013

    I have just been notified that i have been accepted into Psychiatric Mental Health Track for Fall 2013. I was wondering when the deposit is due to hold your seat. My advisor did not go over that with me just stated 400 is due before I start. Do the i...
  5. NEU Online Fall 2013

    You applied in December sometime or early January. What was your gpa and stats like.
  6. NEU Online Fall 2013

  7. I'm no CNA. I was formally a paralegal and was a pre law student. I graduated with a 3.4 and struggled my first year. I have managed to almost complete all my Pre Reqs in under 6 months and have straight A's and A-'s so far. I have been volunteering...
  8. That may be your best bet since its much cheaper than Northeastern. I may apply to cheaper tracks as well since I have to reapply to go through to PMHNP. More applications lol. I can't believe they called you two weeks after. What was your GPAS like...
  9. Congrats Angelica, I recently applied to the online track to begin in the fall. When did you apply to start and when did you apply this year. I hve not heard back yet from my advisor and still praying. I applied to the Mental health track. I know she...
  10. Northeastern Direct-Entry NP

    oau3- Is that for the online track or traditional program?
  11. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2013

    No, not even for psych yet. They said soon.
  12. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2013

    hey hellosun, I heard you got in congratulations. I have not heard anything yet sadly. I was wondering did your application status change on the online application website that it was under review. Mine still just says submitted. and what did they te...
  13. Northeastern University Direct Entry Program

    That is all awesome, i wish you the best outcome truly for the both of us. I have also had many amazing experiences volunteering a Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Meeting the children at the Jimmy Fund has truly been a god given gift to me. Seeing ther...
  14. Northeastern University Direct Entry Program

    what experience did you have, and what program online ABSN or traditional: Hellosun are you male or female lolol that can help to sadly the director said they are truly trying to diverse the program. what pre-reqs have you taken the more difficult on...
  15. Northeastern University Direct Entry Program

    what was you application like and your grades and what specialty track do you want