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About elizabetta

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  1. Desperately Need Help With Care Plans

    Hello everyone, I am working on a caremap for a young women who just had a lady partsl birth. I need to include diagnoses that include the families strengths? I was thinking of using effective breast...
  2. Hi everyone, I am required to have two home visits with one patient this semester. My patient is a 56 year old women with three previous incidences of CSF leak through her sphenoid sinus and...
  3. OK the first thing I would do would be to relax and start gathering information and talking to the schools you are interested in. Have an prerequisites changed? Is there a waiting list for any...
  4. My Gpa Is Low What Are My Options

    When you say the "past" how long ago were these classes you took? At my school you can apply for academic renewal after five years and have those bad grades erased. Just a thought. See an advisor they...
  5. 87 yr old new mother

    Of course its not. I'm just stating an opinion.
  6. 87 yr old new mother

    Please be more respectful of other peoples beliefs.
  7. 87 yr old new mother

    I don't disagree with you. There are many concerns. I would hope she'd have all the "details" worked out before she decided on invitro. Hopefully she didn't spend her retirement :) I read about all...
  8. 87 yr old new mother

    I would much rather have a mom for a short period of time who loved me and wanted me with all her heart then a lifetime with a mom who didn't. Just my two cents. And of course their are other issues...
  9. TVI, Albuquerque

    THANKS! We're pretty much in the same boat. Yes I am petitioning this month at TVI. I am also finishing prerequisites for UNM as well.I'm planning on doing the RN-BSN after I finish TVI. I am already...
  10. TVI, Albuquerque

    You too! I am petitioning this month and I'm so excited. Have a great semester.
  11. You can have ticks tested to see is they carry Lyme Disease but to bring them to an emergency room is just crazy.
  12. How can I set myself apart from other BSN applicants ?

    Yes UNM is the school I want to get into. I am on the waiting list at TVI but UNM is really where I want to be. I will be taking Spanish as my prerequisite next semester. I'm sure you experience as an...
  13. How can I set myself apart from other BSN applicants ?

    Thank you analee and onherway for your advice and kind words. I just joined the Student nursing asscociation and they are very involved in community activities. I am going to contact the hospital by...
  14. How can I set myself apart from other BSN applicants ?

    I appreciate your thoughts. I am taking spanish next semester anyway because I need to take a language class. I live in NM so speaking spanish would definitly be an aset. It is hard to get a community...
  15. How can I set myself apart from other BSN applicants ?

    I definitly see where you are coming from. I am planning on taking spanish this fall anyway becaue I need to take a language. I live in NM and learning spanish would be a huge asset. If only i had...