WhoDatWhoDare BSN, RN

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  1. WhoDatWhoDare

    Hovermatt Policy

    Following.. I'm leading a trial in my OR to implement a lateral transfer device like this or the Sage Prevalon
  2. WhoDatWhoDare

    Help Solve OR Burn Mystery!!

    Is there a possible grounding issue with the bed, creating a faulty ground return? Usually the bovie would detect that and alarm, but I'm just throwing stuff against the wall here... can you check the...
  3. WhoDatWhoDare

    Perioperative new grad residencies

    There are. Be sure to apply to all, be flexible in location (if your personal life allows), practice interviews questions, and be aware that some require a mininum commitment and
  4. WhoDatWhoDare

    Proximal humerus fracture positioning

    Here is one that should come with an IFU... Duraclear™ Arm & Hand Table 12" x
  5. WhoDatWhoDare

    Proximal humerus fracture positioning

    We have the plexiglas. Wouldn't it be in everyone's interest to just source the plexiglas for use in this surgeon's cases, add it to the preference card, and move on to bigger
  6. WhoDatWhoDare

    Preceptor Refusal

    I believe if you think it was appropriate to call your lead, then it was. You're a student/orientee and still learning but.... I don't necessarily believe your preceptor was in the wrong either......
  7. WhoDatWhoDare

    Glasses with masks

    There are masks that are designed for use with glasses... some have a tacky/sticky strip that seals along the bridge of your nose, others have an extra strip of film to stop the transfer. In our...
  8. WhoDatWhoDare

    HELP! New Grad hired in OR!

    Did you get hired in to a ASC? I'm in a large level 1 trauma center, and we don't orient or train new RNs into preop or
  9. WhoDatWhoDare

    DNP vs Health administration

    I've seen DNP be in leadership positions in my
  10. WhoDatWhoDare

    What chloraprep does everyone use?

    We use the various sizes depending on the patient and the location of the prep.... the large 26ml used for large preps such as abdomen, and smaller 10ml for neck preps... the untinted are used on new...
  11. What you're doing now is how I've always been taught to do... sorry to give you the bad news One correction is we do change out the trash bags if they're full, but leave them in the
  12. WhoDatWhoDare

    Operating Room job offer - Santa Clara, Bakersfield or Las Vegas

    I'm guessing they didn't call you out of the blue to make a stranger an offer, but rather you applied to each location after doing some research on them. What factors did you use to select these...
  13. WhoDatWhoDare

    Ohio RN nurse applying to California. Denied. Help?

    Have you spoken to HR at either facility or at the very least the RN
  14. WhoDatWhoDare

    CNOR prep

    The one I used is from "Pocket Prep". Free to use, but you pay to unlock all the questions. I prepped a few months before by attending a Zander prep class, then went over the content a couple weeks...
  15. WhoDatWhoDare

    mistake and needing to vent

    I agree 110% with way brownbook says, and my experience with knowledgeable anesthesiologists mimics what brownbook