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About ReeceRN

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  1. Operating theatre employment

    Thank you for your insight, I had read that it was bad but I didn't realise experienced nurses were struggling for work. Here in Australia we have a huge problem with our new graduates not finding employment but once you are RN2 and have a little exp...
  2. Operating theatre employment

    Hi, thank you for reading, I am a Canadian citizen who spent most of my life (and trained) in Australia. We may be moving to Canada next year and I want to find out what job prospects are like for overseas trained Registered Nurses. I am an RN 4 (4 y...
  3. Moving to Seattle from Australia

    Hi, no not in the States yet, it looks as though we will be heading over early-mod next year so I don't think I will have time to study before we leave. How long did OB take?
  4. Moving to Seattle from Australia

    Hi Mina, a few years! That is longer than I thought it would take. How long did it take to study OB in the States? I heard from someone else that they found an American college that will charge $2300 for combined paeds and OB, no idea how long it tak...
  5. Moving to Seattle from Australia

    Advice would be great, I am going to have to do both peads and OB, how much did it cost and how long was the course if you don't mind me asking? Also is finding a job hard?
  6. Thank you so much for those contact details, I will get onto that straight away. I just wish we studied peads and mid for our B Nurs!
  7. Thanks for the info, we are looking to move by the middle of next year. Australian universities haven't been very helpful, I am waiting to hear back from the nursing colleges in Seattle regarding costs but I will probably end up studying over there. ...
  8. G'Day indeed, I am missing both, I have looked at unis here in Australia but they want me to do the full Grad Dip Midwifery which I think might be more than I need? What have you done?
  9. It looks like I may be moving to Seattle next year from Australia for my husband (IT) I will be coming on his E3 visa so will be able to work however the WA board have stated that I would have to study at either Rwnton or Tacoma community college bef...
  10. Were you able to find anything? I may be in a similar situation next year
  11. Moving to Seattle from Australia

    Hi, I stumbled on this thread after doing a google search, I may be moving to Seattle next year from Sydney with two years of experience. Were you able to register?