

general practice clinic

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About nananurse2

nananurse2 specializes in general practice clinic.

married 36 yrs--to the same man!!

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  1. Question: NET test (reading section)

    The NET test is an entrance exam for most LPN programs. The reading and comprehension will be important because it gauges how well you can study, or read a question and understand what you have read....
  2. LPN pay versus RN pay in AR?

    Hi cancergirl: I'm an LPN and have only worked in a clinic setting. Correct me if I'm wrong, RNs, but as far as I know, the hospitals in the Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers area are no longer hiring...
  3. NTI Springdale - LPN program

    I worked as a Patient Care Assistant for 3 years in a family practice clinic. before going to school. I was making above my pay scale because of my skill level, had phlebotomy training, ran the...
  4. Feeling Trapped

    Your bridge program sounds much easier than ours. I would have 3 math classes to take, test out of A&P and several others, then 4 semesters in class and clinical. It's doable, just intimidating....
  5. Feeling Trapped

    Well, and there you have touched on another nerve: nights, weekends, holidays and 12 hours shifts. Husband and grandkids demand some of my time. I did a clinical in one day surgery that I loved,...
  6. NTI Springdale - LPN program

    Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I graduated from NTI in Dec 2006. It's not that hard to get accepted. Pick up the application form, get your reference letters, take your pre-tests and get...
  7. Feeling Trapped

    I've worked in a clinic for 6 years: 3 as a PCA working on an LPN level, 1 1/2 while in school and 1 1/2 as an LPN. I am sick of sitting at a computer and answering phone calls. I very seldom meet...
  8. Any Home Health LPN's here?

    I have worked in the clinic setting for 5 years, 4 as a Patient Care Assistant, and 1 as an LPN. I am about done with the politics of the company and the constant short-staff situation. We have a 2...
  9. How are you LPN's getting continuing education hours? is another site to look at. They also have free courses every month, and the ones they charge for are very
  10. Roll Call: Introduce Yourselves, LPNs!

    I graduated December '06, licensed March '07. I've worked in general practice for 4 years as a Patient Care Assistant before going to LPN school and I"m still in clinic work, just for a different...
  11. I want to work in a Doctor's office.

    I've worked in a general practice clinic for 6 years, first as a PCA (patient care assistant), and after I graduated as an LPN. PCA's and MA's are accountable for calling patients to the room, taking...
  12. CEU's in Pa

    I got my license this year, and since I was born in an odd number year, I have to renew my license this fall. However, I DO NOT have to have CEU's this year. I will have to have 15 CEU's per year...
  13. For All "NEW" Lpn's Over 50

    I'm 53 and got my license in March. School was a breeze. I returned to my clinic position and I sleep most weekends away. However, I can outwork the 20 and 30 year olds anyday, but I think that's...
  14. Took NCLEX today....

    Take a deep breath, gino. I went straight to the test sections, answered the questions, looked at the ones I got wrong and why. Don't try to cram too much into your head or memorize too much...
  15. Took NCLEX today....

    I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass the test. There is no secret to the NCLEX. You have to know the basics and build your knowledge on that. I had lots of priority questions, who would you see first,...