
PositiveEnergy MSN, PhD, RN, APN

Family, Maternal-Child Health


All Content by PositiveEnergy

  1. Tips for New Nurses Entering the Workforce

    All good points. So true about life-long learning. When you really begin to practice you realize how much there is to learn, and how little you really know in the big picture. So keep on asking the "whys" and "hows" and not be afraid to say "I don...
  2. Mental Imagery: Bring Your Best Nursing Game

    The old saying, "a picture is worth a thousands words" came to mind when I read this. Essentially your mental visualization is providing you a wealth of direction/information to guide you through your daily procedural challenges. I cheer you o...
  3. Nocturnal Muscle Cramps

    Certainly a noninvasive intervention and worth at least trying for those who suffer from cramping.
  4. Nocturnal Muscle Cramps

    In general my experience both professionally and with family members who have noctural leg cramping is that finding something that effectively, and most importantly, continuously relieves leg cramping rarely happens. Hence as listed by individuals i...
  5. Advice For a New Instructor Please!

    Well said.
  6. Advice For a New Instructor Please!

    Excellent ideas here. Because students aren't often directed to do some of these needed task they don't even think about them - especially those things patients need upon discharge to assimilate back into their home life. Even some seasoned inpatie...
  7. Advice For a New Instructor Please!

    "The energy is kind of bad on the unit." "My students literally cried about..." I read these statements above and had flashes of all the conferences, papers written, general presentations, and professional dialogue on "Nurses Bullying Nurses" ...
  8. Advice For a New Instructor Please!

    The first thing that jumps out at me is not to give the staff the task of writing out your student assignments. You might involve the staff by asking them which patients might benefit/appreciate having a student assigned to them and what nurses are ...
  9. Scammers Caught Selling Fake Nursing Diplomas

    So many options of how this evolved. WIll probably take several years to even figure out the truth. What always amazes me is the number of people who jump on the band wagon and go along with such dishonesty.
  10. Scammers Caught Selling Fake Nursing Diplomas

    Very interesting article. The unassuring take away from this information is this is just one of the fraudulent operations that got caught - after much investigation too, and years of pumping out "fake" nurses before they got caught. Hope the take a...
  11. 11 Things to Remember When Nursing Gets Hard

    Reflecting on those patients who have touched my life. I think of those patients who have caused me to pause and recall something special about our encounter. Not what I left them with, but rather what they left me with. Those special stories I ha...
  12. 10 Tips for Nurses Working on the Holiday

    I was glad to see this article. Leaving loved ones and heading off to work is challenging on holidays. But as you pointed out, coming up with creative strategies can help make heading into work a little bit easier on these days. I worked in Obstet...
  13. How to Prepare for and Manage Sundowning Patients

    Thank you for sharing this information. As a nurse, as well as a person who has dealt with this issue in a family member, awareness and education is so vital. I think so often nurses do learn about Sundowning at least sometime in their schooling, b...
  14. New Grad Nurse: What I Didn't See Coming

    First congrats on passing the NCLEX and becoming a new RN. Nursing school is a challenging major - no easy way through. Your article interested me because I have many nursing years under my belt. So I was curious what you would perceive as a major...
  15. My Home Health Patient Died

    This feeling of loss and sense of death is the part of nursing that I believe makes you human. When you develop that connection with a patient that you sense is different from your relationship with your other patients, you will feel a sense of heav...
  16. Healthcare in a TikTok World

    Interesting article - like the personal side of the article where you shared what you have learned and what your daughter has taken away from her TikTok experiences. It does seem this is a good target for capturing the interest of teens and young ad...
  17. You know for quite some time healthcare professionals have been encouraging people to take control of their health, to practice preventative health, and to be proactive in their own care. Consequently people have learned to become active in their ow...
  18. How Digital Media Can Be Used By Healthcare Professionals

    No problem - was an enjoyable and informative read.
  19. How Digital Media Can Be Used By Healthcare Professionals

    You shared some interesting points under the different categories (financial, educational, community building and equitable access) reflecting what benefits can be gained in healthcare if practitioners embrace digital methods. In reading these cited...
  20. Interview Tips in the Age of Video Communication Platforms

    Though I prefer in-person interviewing, it is always a good alternative to have online interviewing, particularly as you mentioned when distance for the candidate is problematic, as well as for others. If one thinks about it, with an in-person inter...
  21. "You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby" (Virginia Slims, 1968); Truly an applicable slogan some practitioners might use to describe how healthcare has advanced over the span of their careers. Likely they would list developments in technology, digital media a...
  22. I totally agree that nurses should help their patients discern what is evidence based information and reliable, versus information that is haphazard and lacks supportive data. People are vulnerable to misinformation especially when ill. Yes, nu...
  23. Healthcare Information: Who Can Be Trusted?

    I think you left the reader with some good points to think about as well as to take away to their clients. So true that people are struggling with healthcare cost, as well as just having funds for deductibles to cover for healthcare services. So to...
  24. Unsung Hero

    If you want to be inspired by what nurses can achieve, and the personal account of one nurse's successes and challenges take time to read the ebook Nursing Shoes. Many nurse-patient encounters are shared. The time is right because on August 28th, Au...