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All Content by Matthias

  1. 230 on NCLEX...?

    Took it today. Any guesses as to the meaning of this random number before being shut down? I will say this test had questions (the majority) that were harder than any test questions in the review or class...I left exhausted and kinda numb....I know...
  2. 230 on NCLEX...?

    Ok, this doubting Thomas is now a believer. The PVT works. BSN, RN!!!
  3. Took NCLEX-RN on 7/16

    You and me both!!!
  4. 230 on NCLEX...?

    Man it better be 100% accurate, cause if it isn't, I'm going to blow about $100 worth of ammunition at the local range...=)
  5. 230 on NCLEX...?

    Got a pop up saying I already registered and that I need to contact my Member Board and another registration cannot be made. Oh well, one more day to feel sick about it I guess...
  6. 230 on NCLEX...?

    Not sure what PVT means, but the sight the testing centrr said to go for results says mine aren't available yet. Waiting for things like this is not easy....