MICU for 4 years, now PICU for 3 years!

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About WSU_Ally_RN

WSU_Ally_RN has 7 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in MICU for 4 years, now PICU for 3 years!.

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  1. WSU_Ally_RN

    Silicone stethoscope chest piece/bell cover

    AllMed Catalog :: Diagnostics :: Stethoscopes :: Trimline SafeSEAL® Replacement Parts SafeSEAL Soft Diaphragm Those are the only 2 links I can find... not sure where the company's are from. Do you...
  2. WSU_Ally_RN

    Looking for a new stethoscope

    I think it depends on who your patient population mostly is. I work in a PICU and we take pt's from birth to death, any and all ages. If they have a congenital or chronic disease of childhood they...
  3. WSU_Ally_RN

    Looking for a new stethoscope

    Since you're still in nursing school, I'd caution against a specifically pediatric stethoscope... what if you graduate and can't find a peds job? I hear they are getting hard to come by. A pediatric...
  4. WSU_Ally_RN

    Best white scrub pants

    I always found when I had to wear whites that skin toned undies made even the thinnest scrubs virtually un-see through. I'd wear white, and bam, you could totally see
  5. Cor-triatriatum?
  6. WSU_Ally_RN

    Pediatric Explanations For Medical Procedures

    I listen for "bears" when I listen with my stethoscope and I "measure your muscles" when I take your BP :) I totally agree with the prior poster, depending on my kiddo's age and maturity level depends...
  7. WSU_Ally_RN

    Looking for a new grad program anywhere in Ohio

    I work at Akron Children's and my manager just hired a slew of new grads... There are still many RN positions posted on our website. There isn't a "new grad program" per se, but I'm pretty sure all...
  8. WSU_Ally_RN

    Purple;or, I'm Not Barney

    a brand... I think their website is
  9. WSU_Ally_RN

    Purple;or, I'm Not Barney

    what about aviator scrubs?? they have lots of pockets and look pretty manly to me, even in purple
  10. WSU_Ally_RN

    FLACC vs. Wong-Baker FACES

    The faces scale isn't for you to interpret what their pain APPEARS to be, it's for you to show your patient and have them pick how their face feels with their pain... I use this all the time with my...
  11. WSU_Ally_RN

    Non-Littman Stethoscope Recommendations

    I'll be the third to recommend and ultrascope! They are much more affordable than a Littmann. I have a Littmann Cardiology III and a pediatric sized ultrascope. I work primarily with kids with...
  12. WSU_Ally_RN

    CE question

    No, Ohio's renewal was this year. I think you had to be renewed by July
  13. WSU_Ally_RN

    CE question

    I'm an Ohioan too... just like Meriwhen said, you just need to make sure you hold on to that CEU certificate for I think 7 years... CEU's are basically an honor system until you get audited, which I...
  14. WSU_Ally_RN

    Continuous aerosol treatment

    That sounds kinda scary... kids on continuous can go bad so quick! Anyone on continuous at my hospital buys a bed in the PICU! (We do not have a step down unit.) I don't take care of a lot of...
  15. WSU_Ally_RN

    Read any good books lately??

    There is a book called "Walk On Water" about Dr. Mee and the congenital heart program at the Cleveland Clinic. I read it last summer when I started taking care of our CHD babies... I really enjoyed...