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About smoup

smoup specializes in psych/dementia.

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  1. Patient Population?

    Just curious what patient population everyone works with, or would like to work
  2. Do you have Malpractice Ins?

    Thanks everyone! I'll definitely look in to getting
  3. Do you have Malpractice Ins?

    Just wondering if any psych nurses have malpractice insurance? Is this something I need to think about getting? I was told conflicting advice in nursing school and am not sure the best course of...
  4. Going that extra mile ... literally

    Not as a nurse, but when I was a PT aide I walked to/from work (~0.5 miles) in a blizzard. It was so bad they ended up getting the plows off the road for a period of time. It made for very eerie...
  5. For New Grads -YES you can do psych.

    Another new grad who went straight to psych nursing. While it's only been 3 months, I don't see myself regretting my decision. I WOULD have regretted my decision to do med/surg! That's just not me....
  6. "Just a Psych Nurse"

    Wish I could like this more than once! Can't agree more about the teamwork and trust in
  7. Heard this all through nursing school. It's not the clinical skills that are hard, it's everything else. A lot of the clinical skills we do, someone has taught a family member to do to take care of...
  8. Each shift got food every day. Everything from free breakfast for night shift, to pizza, desserts, wraps,
  9. UMSON Fall 2015

    I know those still waiting are frustrated, but keep in mind that just because no one on Allnurses has had a change in status this week so far, that it doesn't mean no one has received a change in...
  10. My unit doesn't do this, but you could have the patients give the people they want to be able to get information a "code word" that the caller must give when they call. Not sure how it works since the...
  11. Behavioral health

    I think of it more as an adjunct. Some psychiatric patients have a mental illness with no behavioral health (acting out) symptoms, such as those with certain types of depression, whereas those with...
  12. UMSON CNL Fall 2015

    PinkEagle I am so happy for
  13. So true Viva. ANY ONE can end up with a mental illness. I really don't understand some people's "get over it" attitude. Have they never experienced mental illness, either personally or someone in...
  14. I had the same number of clinical hours for psych as I did for OB, peds, and community. The only clinical that had more was med/surg. It baffles me that some programs have so little exposure to a...
  15. UMSON CNL Fall 2015

    Interview invitations went out over a week or so period, if I remember correctly. Try not to let the knowledge that someone has an interview and you don't (yet) worry you. I know that's impossible,...