babynurselsa RN

ER, NICU, NSY and some other stuff

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All Content by babynurselsa

  1. babynurselsa

    Working travel and agency?

    I did just this when I traveled. I signed on with a local per diem agency and pulled occasional shifts in some of the other local facilities. Since it was not at the facility that I was working as a travleer there was no conflict. It worked out ve...
  2. babynurselsa

    Has this happened to you?

    Just make sure it is all in writing.
  3. babynurselsa

    No pain meds for you, mother

    How about activating the ethics committee?
  4. babynurselsa

    Angry mom treated rotten in ER today

    "she's had the problem for almost 2 years and apparently little can be done. she's falling asleep and uncomfortable in the waiting room like she might pass out. after 3 hours of waiting i finally told them she had better get examined right quick. " "...
  5. babynurselsa

    Was this normal?? (kinda long)

    If by panicking you meant you went and got help and was unsure what to do, then you did fine. You got assistance. What I have always done when I encounter something new is hit the books and study up so next time I know what to do in that situation...
  6. babynurselsa

    Need advice re: fired from job

    I am sure that the reason that she was fired was the lack of reporting, not the fact that she gave the wrong meds. Whenever in doubt consult the policy and procedure manual. It is scary to be a new grad and make a mistake. Appearing to cover it up...
  7. babynurselsa

    Who is at fault?

    An incident report is simply about stating the facts as they occurred. Facts being the operative word. Just write the IR as you observed it. Good luck
  8. babynurselsa

    advance directives for hospice pts.

    Many patients and families when signing up for hospice care are not ready to sign a DNR. A big part of hospice care is about what the family is comfortable with. I had a few that did not have an advance directive when I signed them up but it did not...
  9. babynurselsa

    Who is at fault?

    Why does someone HAVE to be at fault? Sometimes things just don't go planned. Good Luck
  10. babynurselsa

    pt husband keeps moving the toco!

    Yes, many IV pumps do have a little button on the back to lock out anyone messing with them. I try to be real casual about activating it so that they do not know that is what I am doing. Unfortuanately everything cannot be locked out. Again, docume...
  11. babynurselsa

    pt husband keeps moving the toco!

    I outright tell them that they are not to touch these things. I let them know that that is my job to do so. I also let them know that if something untowards happens to their loved one they will be responsible for it. I also document this all very c...
  12. babynurselsa

    Skin care for Premature Neonates

    I have worked at couple of places that we initiated an aquaphor protocol. By the second study they were looking at whether there might ...
  13. babynurselsa

    DNRs and ACLS

    No, you would require a physician order.
  14. babynurselsa

    Rules for the ER (long)

    Grammie, you stated it beautifully. You get what this thread is all about. For those who "don't get it" this is probably not a thread that they will enjoy. I have found this thread entertaining because this is what I live each and every day that I...
  15. babynurselsa

    a pill to make the pain go away I saw this in teh paper yesterday. Sounds interesting.
  16. babynurselsa

    avioding criticism in documentation

    I describe, rather than label behaviors. "Pt speaking in loud angy voice with tense expression, saying F*(& you repeatedlt to staff." "Pt slapping at staff during assessment" I find a few direct quotes and painting a picture of what is going on i...
  17. When someone exercises their right to NOT wear their seatbelt, they violate my right for my tax dollars to go to something besides their care as a vegetable in some convelescent center from their brain injury. These are public safety laws, same goes ...
  18. babynurselsa

    Doctor refuses to acknowledge VA doctor

    What about contacting the Ombudsman for the Nursing home. The family can do this.
  19. babynurselsa

    A burning question...

    CHeck with your local burn center and see of they will send someone to come and do an inservice. Most of them would be happy to do so.
  20. babynurselsa

    Urine Drugscreens without pt's permission?

    Our UDS screens did not have chain of custody but our mec screens did.
  21. babynurselsa

    How long is the wait???

    Again I will say that there is no way to forecast wait times. Things may be fine when the person calls or checks in, but that does not mwan in 3 minutes you are not going to get a code, or an AMI, or a CVA in 3 minutes. When that happens it does no...
  22. babynurselsa

    HIPPA question

    If your knowledege of the childs health is per email from another family member or even just another acquantance it does not fall under HIPPA. If you are employed by the system where he is a patient and you relay the information without the express p...
  23. babynurselsa

    ER disclaimer

    I HATE TRIAGE. I would rather have unsedated surgery than go to triage. I would rather you parked a dump truck on my foot, I would rather have a root canal by the dentist in the "Little Shop of Horrors",....... Ok I think you get the picture. I fe...
  24. babynurselsa

    PICC lines

    The typical size is a 1.9 fr. When I was placing them we did not use u/s. I haven't placed one in a bout 3 years, so obviously they may be now.
  25. babynurselsa

    Urine Drugscreens without pt's permission?

    Pt sign a consent for tx. The only additional things that we have consent for usually are invasive prcedures. A drug screen may be important information in dx or implementation. What if pt was brought in for altered LOC, an ETOH of 300 goes a long w...