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About Southern_Male_Nurse

Dsisplaced Southerner in Western Maryland

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  1. Third time not the charm

    Thanks Suzanne! I will definitely keep that in mind. I do want a license that I can move from state to state if need be. I plan on attending WVU School of Nursing to complete the BSN part. They are...
  2. Third time not the charm

    I don't wish to get off topic here, but to answer your question honestly - I am not sure. From what I was told by the WV BON you are able to transfer the license to other states that allow the same...
  3. Question about BON, Pearson Vue, etc.

    When I took the lpn boards, I paid my state fee first, then waited for my letter to take the boards arrived. If you pay both at the same time, and if the BON doesn't approve your application, not only...
  4. Third time not the charm

    suzanne4 - I use to be a 91c (practical nurse). If you were trained by the Army, then you are qualified under West Virginia code 30-24-2 (Qualification for examination for license as a registered...
  5. Third time not the charm

    wildcat - I can feel for you. I really do. When I graduated from lpn school I was immediately shipped overseas. Due to my location, I was not allowed to take the nclex for 3 years after I graduated....
  6. Refresher Classes

    I don't mean to misunderstand you, but are you getting mad at me? I hope not, for I personally encourage anyone to get a refresher on as much as possible. By the way, just out of curiousity - what...
  7. Refresher Classes

    There are 2 parts to the course. The bookwork, and the clinicals. Like I mentioned previously, in the state of Maryland the refresher course is not required for those that have not taken or passed the...
  8. Army DON 91c school address

    Thanks Cpt Jana for the information. I appreciate it very
  9. Army DON 91c school address

    This question is more for the recruiters than anyone, but hey if you are able to help answer it, please do. THANKS! I was trained as a 91c back in the late 80s at San Antonio (phase I) and then Ft...
  10. Anybody in the Army Reserve Nurse Corps?

    I was stationed at Ft. Sam twice in the 80s. Loved it. Out all of the places I have lived in the world, i consider that at the top of my list. Beautiful city! I just loved the River walk, especially...
  11. Refresher Classes

    In Maryland, if you haven't taken the boards yet, all you have to do is reapply for the NCLEX. A refresher course w/clinicals is not required, for that class is to help reactivate your license. But if...
  12. No money for school, sorry it's long..

    I hope you are able to make your dream come true. It may take time, but keep working at it. Since i do not know where you live, I can give some information for Maryland. Whereever you live, try your...
  13. My School is Gone!

    Just a quick update and helper for Glascow. You can go to (on their forum boards) you can place your questions in regards to your friends if they are okay or not. I hope they are. I really...
  14. My School is Gone!

    I don't want to make something sound negative in light of what has happen. Being from the lower Alabama (30 minutes from the coast and all), I wish my best to all of the areas destroyed. I however do...
  15. What LPN courses does EC accept?

    I know that Army trained 91c (practical nurses) their course work will transfer. Mine got me 30 credits alone when I went to get my rn. And plus, several states )WV and CA) will automatically allow...