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  1. Unsure About Current Job

    I am in a similar position. I also struggle with feelings of guilt ,knowing how much it costs to train me and embarrassment that I couldn't stick it out. However, I've decided to put my health and...
  2. I want to quit nursing.

    I'm surprised by how insensitive some people are being about this issue. I am in a similar position where I'm unhappy with my current work environment however I've decided to stick it out for a year...
  3. How to soften scrubs

    I have found that after multiple washings they become a little bit softer
  4. Rough day

    Thank you everyone for you words of encouragement. I keep telling myself that the first 6 months is the hardest for new nurses. I am watching the the nurses on my unit, seeing how they respond in...
  5. Struggling as a new nurse :'-(

    You're not alone. I just finished crying after an overwhelming day where my preceptor made me feel incompetent. When they nurses eat their young its definitely true. This experience has dampened the...
  6. It gets better.

    Thank you for your post. Week 3 in my orientation and I really needed to read your
  7. Rough day

    I had a rough day on Friday. I'm a new grad in my 3rd week of orientation and I froze during my first medical code simulation Which was video taped and recorded. I was so embarrassed and...
  8. NICU with no experience

    Hospitals in NJ and NY hire new grads in PICU and NICU. Most of my classmates got hired into both
  9. No such thing as a dumb question

    I think this cartoon also applies to all the new grads during orientation. Take advantage of the knowledge your preceptors have and ask a lot of
  10. How to soften scrubs

    Hi everyone, I need some advice on how to soften my scrubs. The hospital requires us to wear a specific shade of green which is very difficult to find and are only sold by a few brands. The ones...
  11. Newly qualified - anxiety/hopelessness

    Definitely get some help and find someone to talk to...see if there is an occupational health department where you work. they usually have great resources for staff. I also think that it would be...
  12. How old is too old to pursue an MSN?

    Go for it. Regret is the worst thing to live
  13. Car

    Mazda CX-7 is very
  14. First Med Error... Learned Big Lesson

    Don't be too hard on yourself but next time remember to check the BP before giving the med. Also, I just wanted say that it sounds like you have a very supportive team ( RN manager) which is something...
  15. NYU hiring process

    Hi everyone, I found this thread so helpful, especially qriousRN's detailed experience. qriousRN would you mind sharing what your experience was like during orientation at NYU? Any tips for new grads...