Wondering if anyone wears some type of support on their legs. I've been getting some leg cramps in the middle of the night after working and my legs hurt after a couple shifts. If you do, what do...
I think a lot of the confusion comes at the end of the shift when we are getting totals. Somehow it always seems to get messed up trying to figure out what the last shift did and how that effects our...
Please help. I'm recently back working in nursing and am in search of a good flowsheet to use for CBI patients. I'm sure I've seen them in the past but there aren't any where I am working now. If...
I guess I should have been a little clearer when I said team interview. This is at a hospital for a program that takes nurses that have been out of work for a while and retrains them to work in the...
I am considering looking into a job at Hospice, but when I read different posts and can't help crying, I wonder if I'd be able to handle it emotionally. I got into nursing because I love helping...
Hi. I posted this on the greetings board, but maybe more people will see it here. I have been at home for the past four years with my children and am now ready to get back to work. I started...