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About duskyjewel

duskyjewel specializes in hospice.

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  1. duskyjewel

    Ebola here in Dallas USA

    What? Are you saying their lab screwed up and she never had Ebola? Do you have a source for that? Or are you
  2. duskyjewel

    Will my CNA license get revoked?

    You need to stop calling this a mistake. A mistake is turning left when you meant to go right, or writing in red pen when you should've used black. You didn't accidentally walk out of a store with...
  3. duskyjewel

    Depression is terminal??

    She didn't identify you. I doubt most people would have gone to the other thread to find the comment. You outed yourself by being
  4. My employer uses them. I don't know that they help me learn. They seem to be a cool toy. Their best use seems to be to gauge the knowledge of a group without anyone having to be obviously wrong in...
  5. She knew she had a fever and flew anyway?! She's as bad as that doctor from New Jersey then. How disgusting that she would risk whole planefuls of people, and now she may have carried it to...
  6. duskyjewel


    Ruas61, I am so sorry. That was very, very wrong of whomever did it. That violates the principles of hospice, and you should complain to the agency you used. If they have a need for retraining, or...
  7. I agree. That is not how I was taught, but it sure seems to make a lot more sense, and not just for Ebola. I'll be changing how I do it from now
  8. duskyjewel

    Hospice as 1st RN job after graduation?

    My hospice hires new grads often. I'm counting on that for myself when my time
  9. She has received a transfusion from Dr. Kent Brantly! Dallas nurse in good spirits, gets transfusion from Ebola survivor | Dallas Morning
  10. duskyjewel


    Is being male
  11. Are. You. *******. Kidding. With his symptoms and his known travel history?! Who is making these
  12. duskyjewel

    Does anyone like their job?

    I like my job. Some days I love
  13. duskyjewel


    I don't
  14. Well, how many conversations have we seen about how oversaturated the nursing labor market
  15. duskyjewel

    Ebola here in Dallas USA

    Oh dear God. :banghead: It's like the scene from Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein movie where the doctor gets murdered because he's trying to vaccinate against