You need to stop calling this a mistake. A mistake is turning left when you meant to go right, or writing in red pen when you should've used black. You didn't accidentally walk out of a store with...
My employer uses them. I don't know that they help me learn. They seem to be a cool toy. Their best use seems to be to gauge the knowledge of a group without anyone having to be obviously wrong in...
She knew she had a fever and flew anyway?! She's as bad as that doctor from New Jersey then. How disgusting that she would risk whole planefuls of people, and now she may have carried it to...
Ruas61, I am so sorry. That was very, very wrong of whomever did it. That violates the principles of hospice, and you should complain to the agency you used. If they have a need for retraining, or...
Oh dear God. :banghead: It's like the scene from Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein movie where the doctor gets murdered because he's trying to vaccinate against