
montinurse BSN

lots of different areas

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About montinurse

montinurse has 19 years experience as a BSN and specializes in lots of different areas.

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  1. Pediatric home nurses

    Hello! Can you tell me what private duty pediatric nurses make in your area? I'm a BSN working in ped home health in AZ, also a medical mama. Of course we have a shortage of night nurses. I think it's...
  2. Is it blanking out like that right around the time of an alarm? I think ours does this. I know this is an old thread-hopefully you got it figured out. I haven't been on this site for awhile! Good on...
  3. Pediatric home nurses

    Hello friends! What is your pediatric home health nurse pay for AZ? (Not visiting, private duty) I'm a BSN, but also a medical mama-I now work as a pediatric nurse, but want to compare home health pay...
  4. Per diem rates in Phoenix?

    Check out agency nursing. I'm currently supplementing through
  5. The golden first year?

    Been a nurse for close to 16 years. Started as an LPN, ADN, then BSN hoping it would get better. I've worked in many different settings. There's nothing wrong with you-many of us feel this way....
  6. An open letter to the #NursesUnite movement

    What's amazing is the salary of these women on The View, for sitting around talking about others, as many talk show hosts do. Not the noblest of professions. I don't get
  7. ICU burnout?

    Some good advice here. ICU isn't easy. I float in a hospital that doesn't use CNA's or transporters in the ER and ICU. The ICU doesn't have a unit secretary so the charge nurse picks up as much as she...
  8. Forgetting to prime peripheral IV line...

    Would that much air to gravity (even 10-12cc's) run through the IV catheter filter? I'm sorry, I've never considered it. I'm fairly new to the ER, most of my background is in ICU where EVERYTHING is...
  9. But who has the right to take personal offense to her original
  10. Goodness, I think she was just wanting input from other nurses that may have knowledge of the
  11. I like that someone is asking this. I've often wondered about the EB behind the gel rule. Frankly, I don't feel like getting my nails pretty to go work in ER or ICU, but I wonder about them actually...
  12. Regretting becoming a nurse

    Wonderful replies-welcome to nursing :) I've had different times in my career (especially the first in the hospital) that I've felt that way. The previous posters were so right. My first med/surg job...
  13. self extubation

    I was going to comment that I've seen it done with their tongue, but someone already has. Frustrating and irritating when I'm trying to keep them on the least amount of sedation as possible, but it...
  14. "Taking a verbal" = writing your own orders?!

    That sounds normal to me, especially if she's been there for so long and knows the individual doctor's
  15. My advice is to not be so hard on yourself! You sound like you did everything you could to keep your head above water. Being a nurse is so demanding, and we are notorious at feeling responsible for a...