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About blugreeneyez

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  1. RUN!!!!!! No need in putting your hard work and license on the line for
  2. I Hate LT: How I Want to Fix It

    I have to say I totally agree. I was hired at a LTC I was given 5 days of orientation. Two of those days my preceptor was sick. There for 3. I had the hall I was on which was the highest acuity hall...
  3. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    I have heard nothing else from it so no news is good news. I was so upset because they did that to me but I have now decided that God was looking out for me according to some of the horror stories on...
  4. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    They also said I took a blood sugar late. It was my second day on the hall I didn't even have time to learn the patients well. I didn't feel that it was fair, but the more I see on the LTC posts the...
  5. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    That is why I went straight to my doctor I don't do drugs anyone that knows me knows
  6. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    Thanks guys I knew I didn't have anything to worry
  7. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    How do u get false positive out of
  8. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    How do u clear ur name if its in 10
  9. the way I vew things or the way healthcare has become??

    I take
  10. Reportables

    I have a question or 4 for the LTC DON's first I want to say I respect the hours you put in and the work that most of you do, but if you had hired a nurse to work 2nd shift would you require that they...
  11. I have been a nurse for 10 years now...I don't know if its bc I am getting older or just the way healthcare has become. I am actually scared to get a job doing something I love. I have always knew I...
  12. Untrue formal complaint filed with state

    I totally understand what u r sayin. I Thank God I was fired last week for a supposed positive THC drug screen I went to my physicians office within 30 min of being dismissed and paid for a drug...
  13. Suicide patients

    Unfortunately that's the way it
  14. I am a nurse and have 10 years of experience in several different areas of nursing. My favorite is Psych. I have 5 yrs of psych experience. I am having a hard time finding a job in my area. I...
  15. I need advice!

    you did the right thing. I worked at a LTC facility at one time. I worked on a vent unit which consisted of 24 vent dependent patients most of which had GTs and it was myself two CNA's and a Resp...