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All Content by harley1022

  1. Care plan meetings

    I like handling the letters, I find it easier to keep track of things. Right now we are reading every single care plan as that is how the administrator would like it done. We have lots of family participation, so our meetings always go over the sched...
  2. Care plan meetings

    Hi Everyone...I know this question has been asked before, but wanted some updated answers if possible. I am new MDS nurse and handle the OBRA side at a 55 bed facility. I am responsible for sending the invite letters out and the care plan meetings. ...
  3. Section M question

    Hi ! I am pretty new to MDS and have a few questions..I apologize if this has been asked before. First question, Do you code vitamins under section M under Nutrition/hydration? Second, Is excoriation considered a stage I? This has been going back and...
  4. AM PM Med Pass

    We do the AM/PM system at our facility and have for almost 2 years now. No issues with pharmacy or the state. We do have some scheduled meds, as well as some timed for personal preference, but over all it's AM and PM. Nursing gives any PRN medication...
  5. Would you like some cheese with that whine.

    We have 32 long term and skilled mixed...One nurse/2 aids. 19 would be heaven!
  6. Has any one heard of naviHealth?

    How were the interviews? They do a phone and a face to face correct?
  7. Would you like some cheese with that whine.

    Really? That sounds very nice to me!