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About normarae

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  1. Do managers in any of your clinics tell you their is only ONE way to tape an IV site? that you can only decannulate the arterial or venous in certain order? do they tell you that pcts can draw...
  2. So long Nursing

    I am 59 and work in the fine No rights for employees state of Florida. I was fired from a hospital OR because the manager felt "uncomfortable" working with me - ( had more credentials and experience...
  3. Recruitment and retention

    buffy you need to go to another country -the hospitals here have not even found out how to hire a fair/efficient manager which is the reason we don't have retention in the U.S.
  4. nursing shortage???????

    I am from Florida and the hospitals have been playing the job open game with no job available for the past 5 years just to give HR interview practice. If they DO hire you they try their best to get...
  5. burnout in the OR

    i have been a perioperative nurse for 18 years cnor, onc, rnfa, with open heart experience, major ortho and vascular first assistant/circ/scrub experience and love what i do. started out as an ER...