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About oreo75

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  1. going down a banding

    I was redeployed 6 months ago & am not happy in my current post, I am starting to think about going down a band, but was wondering about pay. Do you end up going to the bottom of the lower band or...
  2. how many patients?

    I just wondered how many patients other nurses in the uk are expected to look after on a shift? I'm not so much interested in ItU but more wards. I feel our nurse to patient ratio is unsafe, if I have...
  3. Nursing Students in the UK

    If you are planning to work as a HCA while doing your training try & not let the uni know you are doing this or planning to, as it's something that is looked down upon. For reference's I'd be...
  4. MRSA- precautions with history of

    In the hospital where I work if they come as as a emergency or elective surgical patient they go to a dedicated MRSA ward (which treats, surgical, orthopaedic, ob-gynae), if they have a past history...
  5. KSF Second gateway question

    Sometimes you might need to have your manager complete paperwork before you go though the gateway, so it's not as automatic as it seems. The trust I work at has this system, I'm in the process of...
  6. I've made it

    Congratulations to everyone, keep phoning the NMC & chasing them up. I don't know if it does help but at least you know what is
  7. handing in notice

    I'm handing in my notice tomorrow but I'm so worried about doing it. As I didn't tell anyone on the ward that I had gone for another job. I even had my apprisal 10 days & didn't say anything. I'm...
  8. how long in your first job?

    I was in my first job for a year, I then moved to a cohort ward dealing with every speciality as I saw it was an opportunity to gain experience with everything to help me move to a sister post. I'd...
  9. NHS Trust eliminates MRSA

    I do not know how many cases there have been due to cannulas but someone is just as just as much risk of developing a MRSA bacterima as from a cannula as from a central line because this a point of...
  10. What do you wear to work?

    like most here we have the option of tunic & trousers or dresses. I wear dresses cause I find them more comfortable the trousers have elastic waists & come up really
  11. Dream job

    it's a cohort ward that has MRSA
  12. Dream job

    My dream job has come up at work, I'm currently working as a band 5 on a cohort ward which I love, it is a new unit which opened about 5 months ago & when the whole directorate was reconfigured in...
  13. safe staffing levels

    I completely agree but not only staffing levels they should look at skill mix. Where I am they say we are fully staff but our skill mix is awful, so in essence we've had 4 band 5 nurses on the ward as...
  14. mrsa swabbing

    Staff would only be swabbed at outbreak when the outbreak is caused by a single strain. When a patient is swabbed, any MRSA positive result is then sent away for grouping as usually when 2 patients on...
  15. Secondment

    Have you thought about speaking to someone more senior to your ward manager. They might be able to see the bigger picture & if you can speak to them & explain how it would help your career...