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About dragon_lady

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  1. Passed hawaii nclex RN

    Hello!!How long you've waited to receive your license in the mail or on their
  2. nclex question... please read n comment

    Straining can increase ICP so might as well administer
  3. nclex question... please read n comment

    Guys in nclex, you have everything in the world.So assume stool softener has already been ordered by the
  4. NCLEX-PN Pearson Vue Trick

    It depends on your employer. Mine they asked for a hard copy of my license and they also checked my name online. GOOD luck to all of you
  5. Got the bad popup on pvt help pls!!!

    Good luck guys.Ke3p praying.
  6. My NCLEX-PN Experience

  7. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    It's a declaration of our nursing education and they'll ask some informations about
  8. Finding Schools in CA for the Deficient Courses

    Sure I
  9. Finding Schools in CA for the Deficient Courses

    Same here,it's been a year since I got my denial letter but I haven't found any schools yet.Im in bay area
  10. BSN graduate want to take NCleX-PN

    It's been almost a year now since I got denied to take the RN exam and almost a year since I got my LVN license. Now I registered again for another trial of becoming an RN which is the NCLEX-RN in...
  11. Graduate in the Philippines to take NCLEX in California

    Did you read all the threads regarding the concurrency issues here in cali?I'm in SAn Francisco too.Yes you may apply to take the NClEX exam whether you're a licensed or not but since you're an...
  12. Graduate in the Philippines to take NCLEX in California

    I'm not licensed in the Philippines but still they issued me my LVN license after I sent the license
  13. Graduate in the Philippines to take NCLEX in California

    Did you recently passed erick???Because I got my license in December 2012 and I didnt get a letter asking for my license registration/card in the
  14. Passed Nclex PN 4/8/2013

    I used the same books too when I was still reviewing for my NCLEX-PN.Good luck and keep it up.Go grab your
  15. I can PASS this nclex PN!!

    Each exam has their own difficulties but I'm sure you'll pass.I was scared to take the exam too but I got over it and passed.I graduated from the Philippines