AmyRN303 BSN, RN

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About AmyRN303

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  1. AmyRN303

    My rights after pt assault

    RadioJenn, do we work at the same hospital? That sounds very familiar, unfortunately. I'd honestly push the case as far as you could. No one has the right to treat anyone that way. It sounds as though...
  2. AmyRN303

    When confidentiality isn't quite the same

    No, no, no. Women are not "happy to let it all out". People who are sick bypass the modesty issue because they are used to providers of all genders displaying professionalism, even in awkward or...
  3. AmyRN303

    Is nursing school really "that" bad?

    Nursing school is demanding, yes. Like some of the others have said, it's nothing compared to your first year on the job. I was a single mom of four during nursing school, and everything still got...
  4. AmyRN303

    Difficult Patient - Definition

    Sometimes the most technically "easy" patient is actually the most "share the love with others" patient, as Ixchel said. I've often had that situation happen. I don't think there's any standardization...
  5. AmyRN303

    Best way to learn IV skills?

    Many hospitals here have training/skills labs which have hours available....don't know if this is a possibility for you, but it's a great
  6. AmyRN303

    PICC Line: Flushes, But No Blood Return

    Mine as well...just shows how common the problem
  7. You may have to resize or reformat your proof of nursing photo. I did mine on mobile, tapped "page back" and re-entered my .jpeg and it went
  8. AmyRN303

    PICC Line: Flushes, But No Blood Return

    Sometimes you'll get a little fibrin flap on the end of the lumen....kind of flaps over on one side so you can flush, but when you go to draw back, it occludes the lumen so you get no return. Try...
  9. We do too, though there are rumors of mandated uniforms. I've yet to see a patient misidentify their nurse/NA/ we are part of the critical care line, we float to several other critical care...
  10. AmyRN303

    Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    I think I want one....practical question: does the clasp stretch out over time? I lost my Fitbit early in my orientation because the clasp (which looks similar to the apple watch) stretched out and it...
  11. AmyRN303

    Nurse Slang Yo!

    Any gentleman with white hair and a beard= Santa guy. I've had a few Santa guys. I often refer to patients "buying themselves xyz", as in, "Santa guy freaked out, ripped off all his leads, and ran...
  12. AmyRN303

    Feeling Very Discouraged

    I'm still a little curious as to how you've experienced several preceptors in a few weeks' time, but I'll bite on your initial question: sometimes what initially seems criticism or negativity may not,...
  13. And I usually hit 11k during a shift. Usually a couple of transfers, couple of walks down for
  14. I have a walkingspree inspire, comes with a wristband and a clip, about $40 if I remember correctly. I got it right after my Fitbit fell off my wrist, never to be seen again. I prefer the clip, and...
  15. AmyRN303

    School Loans

    I was hoping it was "lion". :) Be careful about getting in over your head as far as loans. It can be done, but be careful about the rates and the amount borrowed over time. I had to borrow some...