ICU, Agency, Travel, Pediatric Home Care, LTAC, Su

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  1. I would say check with your state board of nursing. Anytime I have worked private duty or per visit home health nursing by law we have to have a care plan, exact orders, diagnosis, meds, allergies,...
  2. What are you required to disclose to the board?

    Not comfortable putting this kind of information in a public chat. Hit me up via email if u want to [email protected] and just mention All nurses & the chat topic. What I will say is lying...
  3. Best ONLINE SITES for free ICU Review I am mainly looking for advanced tele strips, drips, vent settings, and such. My ICU books got ruined when my basement flooded. It has been awhile since I have...
  4. Last time I worked agency (local) I was making about $6-$7/hour more but what staff doesnt realize is THEY could CHOSE to be agency too. Plus I got u benefits and the average benefit package is worth...
  5. That is awesome that they were able to do that for a little while at least. What is
  6. Yes, please let us know how we can back u! This is so very
  7. W.H.O. being non-bissed? 15% of their money comes from Bill Gates Foundation. There is a reason, IMO, a good one, why the current administration decided to break away from the
  8. Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't FORCED (or an attempt wasn't made at forcing it on ALL Americans) . Not saying I am going to be a Guinea pig, but the way things seem to be
  9. I have worked in at least 8 different ICU's maybe more, either as staff or agency (local) and travel & only 1 hospital was 1 nurse to 2 patients the norm. Everywhere else a lot of the time being...
  10. Adult ICU Nurse here. Thank you for the very enlightening education on how very different NICU & PICU Cardiac kiddos are compared to adults. As others have said, u genuinely have a teaching gift,...
  11. is like $40/year for unlimited CEU. They have great online classes on ABG, Vasoactive Drips, Vents, and other ICU (and non-ICU topics). Also, had a free online 6hr...
  12. Not so much book recommendations at online Con ED classes. Many websites you can get unlimited CEU for a onetime yearly fee. There is one website in particular I have no affiliation with, but prefer....
  13. Proning patients, face and neck positioning

    Thank you for
  14. Transitioning to acute care

    One tip that I have is to do as much ICU Con ED as you can absorb and definitely put the classes, hours, etc on your resume to show your interest. Vents, Central Lines, ABG, COVID-19 patients would be...
  15. Thoughts on Charge RN

    I have well over a decade in various ICU (staff, local agency, & traveler). 26 bed to 1000 plus bed hospitals. Here is my two cents. #1 Charge Nurses have always had regular patient assignments on...
  16. Tax home question

    R u the owner of Travel Tax
  17. California travel & income taxes

    Best thing to do is check with Joe at Travel Tax. Com I think. Over 2 decades he has been amazing at helping travelers with their taxes, he used to travel
  18. Masks at the nurse's station

    Sorry I am no help as I am waiting to land my travel contract or decide to just volunteer with one of my teams. Wth wontthey let nurses that I'm assuming r not 6' away from each other, heck even if...
  19. ICU Residency ; How I got let go.! Nurses eating their young, their old, their this, their students, their that totally disgusts me! I started 20 years ago in a new grad ICU internship program. By thd grace...
  20. For the Certified Pediatric Nurse, CPN Exam what books and or resources have those of you that are certified used? Which do u suggest? Which do u recommend I stay clear of? Thanks in advance:) I have...
  21. Certified Peds Nurse Exam-Studying

    Thank you both so much! Very helpful♡ I greatly appreciate
  22. Certified Peds Nurse Exam-Studying

    On the CPN website, they have the exam content outline and some suggested books, but do not endorse any. They have a few free practice questions. Plus u can buy 2 50 question modules for $35 each on...
  23. Private Duty Nurse NOT through a company

    I have thought about working on my own but won't for several reasons. 1 being insurance. 2-I don't know all the State/Federal Rules/Regs/Laws that the companies make sure we as nurses follow. For...
  24. Personally if stuff needs reported to JCAHO, regardless if u stay or go I would do that. Not sure about HR, but I wouldnt want to stay somewhere I was being harassed. Nursing is stressful enough on...