Certified Peds Nurse Exam-Studying


Specializes in ICU, Agency, Travel, Pediatric Home Care, LTAC, Su.

For the Certified Pediatric Nurse, CPN Exam what books and or resources have those of you that are certified used? Which do u suggest? Which do u recommend I stay clear of?

Thanks in advance:) I have plenty of time to study as I am just re-entering Peds and working part time. So it will take a bit to get my 1800 hours in. But I don't want to wait til the last minute to study either.

Specializes in School Nurse, PICU, Pediatric Urgent Care.

I wish someone answered this because I am currently studying and I'm just using my old textbooks and anything I can get my hands on when it's slow at work. I'd like to get some ideas. Sort of like when you kind of know what's going to be on the NLCEX.

Maybe someone will now.

BTW, did you ever find out??

Specializes in ICU, Agency, Travel, Pediatric Home Care, LTAC, Su.

On the CPN website, they have the exam content outline and some suggested books, but do not endorse any. They have a few free practice questions. Plus u can buy 2 50 question modules for $35 each on their website. I need to get an updated Peds book as I graduated in 2000. I will list the 3 pages I'm talking about below. Best of luck to you!


https://mypncb.pncb.org/pncbssa/ecssashop.show_category?p_category_id=PREP&p_cust_id=&p_order_serno=&p_promo_cd=&p_price_cd=&p_session_serno=142786&p_trans_ty= (Make sure u choose CPN)

Lastly, on the resources page there is a pdf download for Exam Readiness Checklist. Hth:)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Pediatric Float, PICU, NICU.

The review books by Louise D. Jakubik are the best resources in my experience. Two of the three pediatric hospitals I have worked at in my career have brought her in to teach CPN Review courses and the pass rates have been extremely high. I used these myself when I studied for CPN years ago and continue to recommend them to nurses now.

Specializes in School Nurse, PICU, Pediatric Urgent Care.

Thank you so much! I will be sure to check out these resources. I appreciate your help.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

The Louise Jakubik materials can be found at her company's website. The company is called Nursebuilders. (Google that.) I don't work for them or anything ... but my hospital uses their products to teach its review course, etc. There are books, flash cards, an online review course, etc.

Specializes in School Nurse, PICU, Pediatric Urgent Care.

Great, thank you so much! I can't tell you how helpful this is.

Specializes in ICU, Agency, Travel, Pediatric Home Care, LTAC, Su.

Thank you both so much! Very helpful♡ I greatly appreciate it:)

I looked up the Nursebuilders course. I almost bought the package without review questions! Ooops. But I was wondering if anyone knows how it compares to the SPN course? It's cheaper than SPN even with the member discount.

Specializes in School Nurse, PICU, Pediatric Urgent Care.

I don't know what the SPN course is. All I know is that I'm still sitting here trying to decide what to buy, lol. The books are so expensive. $80 plus $18.00 shipping. Study cards are $50 plus shipping, it's crazy. I've done all the free questions online a few times already.

Can you give me information on SPN?

22 hours ago, Mickey9700 said:

I don't know what the SPN course is. All I know is that I'm still sitting here trying to decide what to buy, lol. The books are so expensive. $80 plus $18.00 shipping. Study cards are $50 plus shipping, it's crazy. I've done all the free questions online a few times already.

Can you give me information on SPN?

All the descriptions are the same- a bit vague about content and format but promising.


I had a lightbulb moment yesterday and went on ebay. I got the Nursebuilers study cards and the SPN review book each under $20 even with pricey shipping. Even if I buy practice test new, it helps. They were current editions. Keep an eye on those type of outlets.

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